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Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 09:56

board members and musical skills..ehh..

Didn´t know what to call this thread.. but many of my friends at other plases/boards are or were musicians themself.. especially over at the dm dash board (old halo).
See i have this little theory that people that are musicians in some way appriciates and enjoy music slightly different.. well i dunno..

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Jenny« (21. April 2004, 09:56)


Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 12:43

I always try to analyse the music I listen to. I read the lyrics and search for messages. Although I'm definitely no musician I try to sing a bit and friends say they won't leave if they hear it... :tongue:


Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 13:45

Concerning lyrics, it´s the same with me. I also love to read them and understand them. In my opinion, they transport a message, and I enjoy finding the message for me.

I was in a band for some months. Bass, drums, and I sang a bit. But this is not good, it was just for fun. Normally, I only sing when I´m driving a car.
Die äußerliche Anwendung von Lebensmitteln führt nicht zur Gewichtszunahme.


Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 15:21

:sch: :sch: :sch: :sch:ups...wrong thread...wrong click i suppose...sorryyy.....I m not a band member..merci..looooll... :tongue:
....all I need is everything..........................

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »cursee« (21. April 2004, 15:23)


Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 18:12

I once played the guitar.. played jazz.. then i had no time to play, but the old habits remained; i always listened to intstruments, i could not hear the musical "whole" of the song. then i started to listen to electronic music and everything was okay. until one day, when i went to a jazz concert and there it was again - i heard instruments, not the music. so i think that musicians listen to the music in a different way.


Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 22:15

well i think you are right, might not apply to all, but sertainly to alot of my friends, "what do you think about that bass line.. they should do this, play like that..." and so on,

music has been a significant part of my life since the day i was born, always being played and listened too, i guess i can only speak for myself when saying that i in ways, focus a lot on the vocal part of music when listening, what words are being emphezised or not, the vocal arangments all in all, if it´s insync with the music or not, the differenses and all.. hmm.. well... and then, offcourse the "i probebly should have done it this way.."


Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 23:18

well let's see... i was trained in classical piano since for ten years, then played in my high school jazz band for three... i have sang since i was a little girl, even performed in some stage productions... and i also slept with alot of drummers :D (does that count ?( ) !!!!

when i listen to music i like to listen to all the different layers and how they are put together to form the whole... i am also very interested in the voice of the singer... i like to hear the inflection that they put on the lyrics... you can tell alot about the meaning of a song by just listening to how it is sung... especially when i listen to a song in a language other than my own...
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Donnerstag, 22. April 2004, 05:04


Originally posted by niki_6784
.. and i also slept with alot of drummers :D (does that count ?( ) !!!!

hmm... not sure that counts sweety.. ;) but i´m with ya gal..

Rather funny.. me too was trained in classical piano, but gave that up as a teen, so many other things that did excite me more :rolleyes:

for me it takes a while before i can "hear" the entire arangement, music and lyrics, it comes after many listenings. I´m the kind of person that listens to the same cd for days over and over again.. (poor neighbours).


Donnerstag, 22. April 2004, 22:20

when we get a new cd my boyfriend and i are the type to play favorite tracks over and over and over... we must have listened to "my world" by colony 5 more than 50 times when we were on our way to and from wolfsheim!!! :rolleyes: thank god we are both psychotic like that... hmm this give me a great idea for a new thread....
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Freitag, 23. April 2004, 05:03

count me in as one pf the psychos then :lol:



Beiträge: 176

Beruf: it-system-kaufmann

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Dienstag, 27. April 2004, 17:59

i'm doing pc music by my own, basically industrial and noise stuff (and thats's exactly why i'm online in the forum that seldom in the last time - there are a few gigs that need my concentration).

best so far was playing support for synapscape and dive on 3rd of april this year. that even toppped supporting pal last year... ;)

however, it's nothing to start googling a lot about, i'm still very very small and unknown - and don't know whether that anytime changes... but why care about such things?
thomas / |pf|
die deutsche covenant-fanpage
[ deutsch / english ]


Freitag, 21. Mai 2004, 19:43

Interesting thread :perfekt:
I played the flute, solo and in a brassband, when I went to school. I wanted to drop the solo playing when I started highschool and just stay on in the band, but that wasn't allowed :!:, so I dropped the whole thing.

Then I learned to play the guitar, when I was going through my blues-period :cool: ;) almost fifteen years ago. I played that on and off for ten years. There was a half-hearted attempt to form a band with a couple of friends, but we never could manage to fit rehearsals into our busy schedules. I think we managed two!

Last year I started playing around with the PC and found it equally fun and frustrating. One thing I have come to admire is the ability to mix a track so that there's room for all the "instruments", and I do listen to electronic music in a different way now. I'm more aware of the parts that make up the whole.
now escape the grip of good old common sense
and trust yourself for reaching further on


Sonntag, 23. Mai 2004, 09:48

Dont be so modest Tomas, i wish you the best :)



Beiträge: 176

Beruf: it-system-kaufmann

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Sonntag, 23. Mai 2004, 11:18

hehe, thank you!

if you like you may check out for the homepage (but it's in german only at the moment). there are such things like an official discography, biography, sound snippets, an order formular - just like a regular band homepage. :D

but be warned: as i said - it's not "covenant-compatible". :P
i some time made the slogan "smart music for hard men" (whatever that means)...

thomas / |pf|
die deutsche covenant-fanpage
[ deutsch / english ]

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