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Montag, 5. Januar 2004, 22:31

relationships or rather the aftermath..

Might get a bit personal here, but since you lot dont have to choose sides..

Ok here it goes..i sometimes do wonder about the aftermath of relationships, it has a tendensy to get bad even when thats not really nessescery.
Even harder to subdue too when a child is involved.

As of latley i have experiensed issues or should i rather say problems with my ex. We have always been able to agree about the issues conserning the wellfare of our son, and we never argue.
But latley he has started to do everything he might think of, to make life hard for me, and that includes not thinking about our son.
Taking him to late night sessions- rehearsals (he hates it), rearanging his schedule all the time, using his keys to get in to my apartment..and so on.. And i´m somewhat bewilldered when it comes to this, not sure what to do...

Has anyone experiensed something simular? This is really getting to me, i just want to move on with my life, i´m finally getting better healthwise and this takes to much of my strenght..


Cheers Jen


Dienstag, 6. Januar 2004, 01:27

i too had issues with my ex... he went on what i reafer to as a sabatical... he left us in an apartment from which we were being kicked out (fortunately i was able to talk the landlords into rescinding the notice when i told them he was gone), and took off to Tennessee (2000 miles from me in california) to be with a married woman whom he hardly knew... came back... left again... came back witha different woman... left to go to Washington (800 miles away)... came back moved in with yet another woman and then refused to pay me any child support and didn't commit to any set visitation... i took care of all thet by taking him to court and getting child support and setting up visitation schedules.... he's actually much nicer since i played hardball... i guess it's just better for him to know what's expected... we now discuss things like her schedule and even trade days so we can go to the events that we want to attend (he watched her so i could go to the last covenant show i attended in return for me watching her so he could see type o negative)... oh, and get your keys back (then change the locks) !! i don't know how family law works where you live... but don't allow him to walk all over you, you have to be strong both for yourself and your son... my e mail address is on the member directory... feel free to e mail me anytime you need to vent!!!
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Dienstag, 6. Januar 2004, 09:37

Thanks Niki.. :)


Dienstag, 6. Januar 2004, 15:12

Sometimes, I think, it always ends up this way. With my first boyfriend, I broke up the contact. He cheated on me as we were together, and I did not want to keep up this contact afterwards.

With my second boyfriend, there still is some contact, and a nice one. We write mails, not often, but it is nice, nevertheless. After we parted, we lost contact for some years, but we never forgot the other one.

In September, I lost my great love. I would like to keep up a friendship, but I cannot tell now, whether ist´s possible. We have very rare contact, it is too fresh now. What I was happy about, was the fact, that "the end" was peaceful and fair. And this is a duty, I think. If you have really loved the other one, you have to be fair, and KEEP fair.

Jenny, I think, you ex is not fair. Neither to you, nor to your little son, and that is the worst thing, in my opinion. The child has no fault, and the child has to be kept out of everything as much as possible. The boy has to find some peace with the situation, so that he doesn´t feel a damage in his soul.

I hope you can understand what I mean, and of course, you can also mail to me if you like.

I wish you all the best and lots of strength.
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