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Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024, 18:06 UTC+2

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Donnerstag, 27. November 2003, 11:04

Where are you all from?

I´m just a bit curious, thats all.. The internet is such an amazing place, people from allover this world being able to communicate :)
And i have ended up having some very close friends in various places.

I´ll go first.. I´m from Stockholm/Sweden, i have been living here my entire life, i live in a small community proxematly 20k south of STH, with my son (love of my life he is that little rascal) and my dog.
I work at one of the major emergency hospitals in STH. A hard job, but rewarding in many ways.
Besides that i am an artist, i paint and write, make clothes..but i usually have waaaay to many projects going at once, so i hardly ever finish :sch:
Music is one of my passions, besides covenant, i´m a very devoted Depeche mode fan. I tend to listen to music from very different changres..from classical to the heavy rock stuff thats out there... dunno what else to say really..

Hmm perhaps this thread should have gone under "member introductions" ???

Cheers Jen


Donnerstag, 27. November 2003, 11:38

RE: Where are you all from?

Hi Jenny,

than I will go on ;)

are you that Jenny who is also writing on the Halo board... than you know Niggels, my boyfriend? :)

I´m living in Münster in the western part of Germany for nearly 2 years now. I was born in a small town in the former GDR and live there about 25 years.

I work as a management accountant at a PC manufacturer directly for the board what means a lot of stress ;)

Music is one of my passion too... I own more than 2000 Cds... and I´m also a very very devoted Depeche Fan... my favourite band for nearly 20 years. Beside music, I love taking fotographs (a lot of them may be seen on my homepage), reading books, going to concerts, parties, meeting my friends...



Donnerstag, 27. November 2003, 12:21

DANI!!!! So you are dear old Niggels girlfriend!!! :) Yes, i´m "that" Jenny. Glad to finnaly "meet" you :) Perhaps we will at one point bump into eatchother...


Freitag, 28. November 2003, 09:05

Hey, so I was right :) Hope to meet you someday ;)
Will you attend SAMA in April?


Freitag, 28. November 2003, 11:46

I hopfully will be able to attend this year, will be going with NUmB, elin and a few others from the old Halo-site (Niggels know who they are). :)


Samstag, 29. November 2003, 13:33

Fine :)
We´ll be there too. Seems that we may have a small Depeche Fan Meeting ;)


Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2003, 04:02

this thread proves just how small the world has gotten because of the internet... i am from the United States, California to be exact... i live in the state capitol of Sacramento with my 3 1/2 year old daughter and our two cats... i read tarot cards for a living and enjoy clubbing in San Francisco which is about 1 1/2 hours away... i also listen to punk rock due to the influence of my boyfriend (who in turn has gotten into Covenant and a few other EBM bands)
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2003, 09:38

It´s a small world we live in.. :) Guess the internet has made it even smaller...

Must say though that i sometimes miss the "old days", when i was waiting and longing for days and days, terrorising the mailman, and then opening those handwritten letters from my friends...

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