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Sonntag, 29. Juli 2007, 16:16


Original von Black_Cat
Covenant were absolutely fantastic! Best show of the band I´ve seen for a long time! And let me just say that Daniel adds a lot to the music... his percussions for i.e. Figurhead were amazing!

Here`s the setlist:
01. Monochrome
02. Bullet
03. 20 Hz
04. Go Film
05. Figurehead
06. Invisible and Silent
07. The Men
08. We stand alone
09. Ritual Noise
10. Stalker
11. Call the ships to Port
12. Happy Man

Jaa Covenant waren phantastisch und so gut wie lange nicht mehr.
Aber Front 242 stellten alles in den Schatten mit dieser megahammergeilen Setliste.

Wer hat schon mit Lieder wie Take one/ Commandio Mix/ Funkhadafi /U-Men oder Operating Tracks gerechnet.
GÄNSEHAUT :perfekt: :perfekt:


Sonntag, 29. Juli 2007, 17:53

please in English ;)


Montag, 30. Juli 2007, 02:46

Thanks to all of you who popped by Waregem! We had a wonderful time and the show was actually really good.

Sandra, Niggels, Dani & Holley: my neurons are moving rather slowly at the moment (I just arrived back home), but it was great to get a chance to hang out for a while.

And yes, Front 242 kicked our collective butts. Fantastic show! The best I've seen with them since 1986. ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joakim« (30. Juli 2007, 02:47)


Montag, 30. Juli 2007, 12:13

dani is right. covenant were absolutely fantastic! one of the best shows i've ever seen! the sound, the light, eskil's voice... everything was just perfect! and i love daniel's percussions! absolutely great!

wonderful picture! :)

yes, it was great!!! thank you so much!!! :)


Montag, 30. Juli 2007, 13:19


Originally posted by Joakim
Thanks to all of you who popped by Waregem! We had a wonderful time and the show was actually really good.

We did too and yes it was!


Sandra, Niggels, Dani & Holley: my neurons are moving rather slowly at the moment (I just arrived back home), but it was great to get a chance to hang out for a while.

Yes it was! And re: neurons... I'm convinced I lost a few. Maybe a handful. Or so. Give or take... heh!


And yes, Front 242 kicked our collective butts. Fantastic show! The best I've seen with them since 1986. ;)

242 kicks *everyone's* collective butts (is using "everyone" and "collective" in the same sentence a little redundant maybe? hmmm)- it's what they *do*! And we all love them for it. I was elated in my own little snippet of noisy Eden during Im Rhythmus Bleiben... ahhh! :perfekt:

Yet another gorgeous picture- as I said to you at the festival, thanks for documenting my memories better than I could... ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (30. Juli 2007, 13:21)


Montag, 30. Juli 2007, 13:23

Holly, I always do my best.... and it´s fun. Was a great time with you all. haha... alrady wish I could turn back time ;)


Montag, 30. Juli 2007, 13:30


Originally posted by Black_Cat Was a great time with you all. haha... alrady wish I could turn back time ;)

Me toooo! My flight back to the States leaves early tomorrow morning. But what amazing memories to take back with me. :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (30. Juli 2007, 13:40)


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Montag, 30. Juli 2007, 16:04

Yep, our boys did a great show - could have been louder but that's only me and perhaps only because I lost my hearing during Punish Yourself's gig the night before! :lol: ;)

Seriously, Covenant did an excellent show! It just got better and better! My faves were Go Film, the very very moving Invisible & Silent, and the "party trio" Ritual Noise-Stalker-CTSTP! Wow, really *everyone* was jumping around with the hands up, bloody amazing!

And yes, Daniel added a new touch to the sound which I liked. I still missed Clas, though.

@Joakim: Did you guys rework 20Hz a little? :rolleyes:


Mittwoch, 1. August 2007, 03:26

Back home in Dallas. Already missing your lovely continent... *snif snif*...

Anyhoo, thanks to everyone involved for such fantastic shows, excellent company, and copious amounts of beer.

Such good memories- I look forward to seeing Reflections' pics and reviews.

Hmm... I wonder where in the world the next good festival will take me? ;)

Now... off to decompress!!


Mittwoch, 1. August 2007, 09:19

and now, the points of the belgian jury ;)

Due to family-reasons I was just able to pop in to see Covenant… got at the venue less than half an hour before the show and was already moving towards the exit right after the last note of ‘happy man’ had sounded…

It was a beat-driven show indeed… I was so glad to hear ‘Monochrome’ back as opener (still the best the men ever made) and ‘Go Film’ was smashing indeed… I understand that ‘Invisible and Silent’ was a needed point of respiration in the show, though in between all these heavy dance-tunes it was more than ever clear that the overly dramatic arrangements of the song don’t do justice to its ‘straight-to-the-bone’ lyrics… I would have preferred ‘Prometheus’ or something, just my two cents. The nasty taste of sugar was washed away with an eerie introduction to ‘The Men’ and a killer-string of songs which left you almost unconscious… It took several minutes, applauding for an encore, to realise how much hits the gents can leave untouched (even the whole United States of Mind-album) without anyone noticing it, let alone complaining about it (I haven’t heard any)

In other words: Top Class! Which could once again be said about the band’s appearance. Joakim had gathered himself a very nice subtle-coloured suit, and it was clear that both he and Eskil are more than glad to find again skinny ties in clothing-stores these days. Special kudos to Daniel for his ‘radical compromise’ with the Covenant clothing-style… Next to that, he indeed adds an unique new element to the Covenant-sound, though there is something missing on stage with Clas not being there…

Anyway, I hope it won’t take that long to encounter the band again when they’re on the road promoting another new album…
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (1. August 2007, 09:45)



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Donnerstag, 2. August 2007, 17:21

@ Oliver / Holley et al.

It sounds like it was a GREAT show. I am only a little green (ok a LOT!!!!) but I am really pleased that you had a stellah time :-]

It's my turn next week for Summer Darkness *BOUNCE* but It would have been lovely to see you again!!

Holley hope you got home safely, Oliver - danke schon fur meine Geburtskarte (???? - sorry - my German is still rubbish!) and see you in October for the London show.

HUgs you lucky lucky things you!

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