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Montag, 12. Mai 2008, 12:51


Original von Daniel Myer
invisible & silent
the men (longer)
we stand alone
call the ships to port

short improv

ritual noise
happy man
dead stars

swedish folksong (acapella)


one world, one sky

vielen dank daniel für die setlist; super das du das immer so regelmäßig und zeitnah machst! :-] :perfekt:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Manuel (EiD)« (12. Mai 2008, 13:01)


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 08:19

This might be a stupid question and/or one that has been addressed before so forgive me if I'm repeating anything, but are there any plans, even tentative, to release The Men with Daniel's drumming? Limited edition, b-side, pay-for-download, anything?


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 09:53

Good idea! We'll think about making recordings in Cologne. We planned a recording in Leipzig but there were lots of technical problems and the acoustics of the Agra Halle are incredibly bad (someone at the WGT staff should do something about that in the future but I'm afraid that's wishful thinking), so I'm not sure if it will be good enough to release.

Daniel and I made some recordings with his portable recorder and my cellphone during soundcheck to catch the cavernous sound of his drums in the hall. Perhaps it can be used.

Daniel, did you listen to it yet?


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 10:42


Yay, woo! I hope something comes of this. Daniel adds so much to Covenant but I admit my asking particularly about The Men is entirely selfish- it's the song that *blew me away* at Waregem. It is, in my humble opinion, *the* perfect, perfect match for his percussion. (woo, alliteration!)

If you guys get the time to release The Men w/ Daniel's drums in *some* format, I'd be over the moon. Like I said, an entirely selfish endeavor to ask on my part... :D


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 11:08

But I totally agree. Thats my favourite Part of the show as well. Well, one favourite. Sometimes the spontanious glitching and overdubbing is nice too. It may be not perfect all the time (in fact its awefully imperfect a lot of times...) but I hope, we can deliver a good time. We sure did last saturday at the Treffen. And Joakim, the drumming is your way. Enjoy, hehe!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Daniel Myer« (13. Mai 2008, 11:09)


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 11:21


Originally posted by Daniel Myer
But I totally agree. Thats my favourite Part of the show as well. Well, one favourite. Sometimes the spontanious glitching and overdubbing is nice too. It may be not perfect all the time (in fact its awefully imperfect a lot of times...) but I hope, we can deliver a good time. We sure did last saturday at the Treffen. And Joakim, the drumming is your way. Enjoy, hehe!!

It shows! That it's one of your favorite parts of the show, I mean. Yeah, the unexpected glitching etc can lend a nice spontaneity as well- as long as everyone's having a good time and the unexpected is handled in stride, I don't think anyone cares. In fact, it can be endearing.

I'm thinking of Amphi last year when Mesh lost *all* their sound except for the singer's mic and the drums. No synth, no nothing- it was either during or right after I Know The Crash is Coming or whatever it's called- but they didn't miss a beat! The singer kept on singing and the percussionist kept on drumming like nothing was wrong and they *totally* pulled it off! So it was a pseudo-acapella-percussion version of the song and it actually sounded pretty cool. Talk about grace under pressure! On their MySpace blog they noted they were completely mortified when that happened but you'd never have guessed it from how they handled it. Like I always say, we the fans take our emotional cue from the performers...

I am way off subject here. Hopped up on flu meds, like I said. But in closing yes, *I don't want to be pushy* (must stress that) so I won't mention it again to belabor the point, but if the Daniel Version of The Men pops up...well, I'd be a very happy girl. :)


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 14:46


Originally posted by ilex011
This might be a stupid question and/or one that has been addressed before so forgive me if I'm repeating anything, but are there any plans, even tentative, to release The Men with Daniel's drumming? Limited edition, b-side, pay-for-download, anything?

If we're taking votes, count mine in...

And another question: have you guys thought of doing live Covenant/Haujobb song mashups? Like the kind of thing Daft Punk did with their own work for their very awesome Alive album?


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 18:42

it was a fantastic show at wgt. absolute great light show too. pics to come ;)


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 19:24

first picture ;)


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 00:20


Originally posted by Black_Cat
first picture ;)

I love seeing the pics of these shows, especially ones like these. Eskil looks like he wants to be stuck in that moment forever. Truly a very Happy Man. :)


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 12:06

nice one, Dani!

second picture ;-)

[ please click to enlarge ]

@ Kai: Thanks for making this possible


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 13:46

pretty cool Claudia :)


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 14:20

@Dani: love the enthusiasm in this photo!

@Claudia: ~stunning!~


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 15:35

thank you! :)

[ please click to enlarge ]

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (14. Mai 2008, 15:36)


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 15:59


Wonderful wonderful work.

The COLORS, MAN! /stoner

Those lights are AMAZING! The blue on is just... asfghj;riwndaligdhwegtwl

I better stop before I totally descend into rabid fangirl mode.


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 16:06


Original von michelem31

Wonderful wonderful work.

yes it is, but I'm just the photographer - the compliments for the great light show go to Stephan Aue


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (14. Mai 2008, 16:14)


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 16:08


Originally posted by Claudia

yes it is, but I'm just the photographer - the compliments go to Stephan Aue


Yes, yes, of course! Shame on me! I totally forgot his name, despite the fact that I've watched both versions of In Transit 67460723 times.


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 19:07


Originally posted by Claudia

yes it is, but I'm just the photographer - the compliments go to Stephan Aue


O.K., Let´s split the cake in pieces. Taking such good pictures needs a lot of skills and experience too. But thanks for the good quotes on my work anyways.

the only constant is change.....


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 22:48

great pics Claudia! I need a proper wide angle, that's for sure ;)


Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008, 00:16

WOW...I like this picture....


Originally posted by Claudia
[ please click to enlarge ]

...very much.

The colors look like my eyes have seen the concert and it is a fantastic posing of Eskil.

Wondering lil bit how you get the whole stage coz there was two very very big steel girders.

Is there a special stage for photographers in the background of AGRA?

Do you used a tripod?

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