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Samstag, 5. August 2006, 10:55

Just say it - Spontaneous Discussions


Originally posted by erichazann


Originally posted by AtmaTho we still have some bullets in the house. I used to play with them when I was little. Don't laugh! We didn't have too many proper toys during the communism... ;)

That's kinda cute :) in an Eastern Block way.

I didn't have too many toys growing up either, as we were quite poor. But I made things and that's probably why I'm so crafty today. I used to slip the cardboard cylinders out of the inside of the toilet paper rolls and cut them in half to get two small cylinders... and then color them with a yellow highligher and pretend I had Wonder Woman bracelets. :D I must have been like 7 or 8... I dont remember, but my hands must have been real small to fit into the inside of a TP roll!

;) That were very good times for creativity and fruitfull imagination ! lol My father used to make wooden toys (little sculptures) for me. I still got a few of them.

I remember once we went to a toy shop (I guess that was 1982-3...), and I saw a big moquette hippo and my dad bought it for me... I was soooooooooo happy :)

I remember eating bananas for the first time in 1982, and my first "mars" bar and salted nuts. You could only buy that stuff in special shops. And we only could buy two things. So I chose the nuts and the bar. Believe it or not, I did cut the "mars" into pieces to make it last for longer (...) Then you knew the value of things... Kids nowadays are totally different. Oh well...
See the World in My Eyes:



Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Samstag, 5. August 2006, 19:02

Moved from " update"


Originally posted by Atma
Talking about fun... try this:

I guess this maybe may have been on topic as a link suggestion to the site? But me replying certainly isn't, so I moved it ;)

Anyway, thanks for the link. Just clicking the bunny at the end of the Jaws movie was worth it! :lol: :tongue:


Samstag, 5. August 2006, 19:07

RE: Moved from " update"


Originally posted by Bugs


Originally posted by Atma
Talking about fun... try this:

I guess this maybe may have been on topic as a link suggestion to the site? But me replying certainly isn't, so I moved it ;)

Anyway, thanks for the link. Just clicking the bunny at the end of the Jaws movie was worth it! :lol: :tongue:

Oh yes, the dance is cool ;)
See the World in My Eyes:


Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 12:57

I'm making observations. I'm watching ppl, the way they use their body language, and the way they talk... and this is one of the sad things that I've found:

When some ppl find man or woman attractive - handsome, beautiful... well, I think they adore them and because of that they feel the need to compliment her or him... And what do they have to offer to the person they admire? What???!

- Two - cheap - words: "hot" and "sexy". I mean, how can you call someone "hot"...?! :rolleyes:, and "sexy"... - these words are so flattering, so disgustingly common, so physically concentrated and so far from a proper compliment. What's happened with the romanticism in nowadays' speach?! When you see a person that you really adore and watching her/him brings you so much pleasure, are these two words the only ones that come to your head?! I don't believe it! I'm outraged.

Oh, ppl! Read more books, be more creative, train your imagination, use your imagination... *sigh*

...or am I getting old.... (?)

That was bothering me for a while, so I decided to spit it out.

Danke for your attention ;) :)
See the World in My Eyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Atma« (10. August 2006, 13:13)


Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 15:42


Originally posted by Atma
I'm making observations. I'm watching ppl, the way they use their body language, and the way they talk... and this is one of the sad things that I've found.....

Give myspace some more time and you will go running for cover.

I'd settle for getting compliments from (native English speakers) who can read/write at the elementary school level.

I would never come down on a non-native speaker for their English skills.. cuz god knows my foreign language skills suck.. but it makes me sick how the internet has degraded English... gramatically.. Style/content.. a whole other issue.

Real Life Example:
hey beautyful
hi im cj and im 15 and just wanted 2 say hi i was brosweing for girl in nyc and u caught my eye well i wanted a cute girls 2 sho me the city holla back ight 1

!!! Get of the 'net and do your English homework kiddie!


Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 16:25


Originally posted by erichazann


Originally posted by Atma
I'm making observations. I'm watching ppl, the way they use their body language, and the way they talk... and this is one of the sad things that I've found.....

Give myspace some more time and you will go running for cover.

I'd settle for getting compliments from (native English speakers) who can read/write at the elementary school level.

I would never come down on a non-native speaker for their English skills.. cuz god knows my foreign language skills suck.. but it makes me sick how the internet has degraded English... gramatically.. Style/content.. a whole other issue.

Real Life Example:
hey beautyful
hi im cj and im 15 and just wanted 2 say hi i was brosweing for girl in nyc and u caught my eye well i wanted a cute girls 2 sho me the city holla back ight 1

!!! Get of the 'net and do your English homework kiddie!

Oh my dear Goth! It's really sad. I've seen that kind of "flowers" too. You're talking about the written word but it's also a part of the speach nowadays. Ok, my English is not good enough (I think I have terrible problems with the grammar), I'm a Pole, but at least I'm trying to speak as best as I can. And I think the way we write or talk to other ppl (sic!) shows somehow the respect for them (lately it shows more disrespect). Oh well, but who cares...

See the World in My Eyes:


Freitag, 11. August 2006, 14:00

Why all the clouds that bring storms are so dark?
See the World in My Eyes:



Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 14:24


Originally posted by Atma
Why all the clouds that bring storms are so dark?

*lol* a standard one of your questions that's just popping up in your head?

I believe it's because those clouds are very dense. Any colour of a cloud is given by the light that's reflected or absorbed (or rather refracted into different wavelengths). Storm clouds must be dense, since there are a lot of colliding water particles that gives lightning.

Ok, I'm no meteorologist. But this is at least my explanation, with my limited knowledge in physics. ;)


Freitag, 11. August 2006, 14:36


Originally posted by Bugs


Originally posted by Atma
Why all the clouds that bring storms are so dark?

*lol* a standard one of your questions that's just popping up in your head?

I believe it's because those clouds are very dense. Any colour of a cloud is given by the light that's reflected or absorbed (or rather refracted into different wavelengths). Storm clouds must be dense, since there are a lot of colliding water particles that gives lightning.

Ok, I'm no meteorologist. But this is at least my explanation, with my limited knowledge in physics. ;)

There's a little storm here... and I was looking through the window on the clouds... so the question came to my head.

It's interesting what you've said :) Thank you.
See the World in My Eyes:


Samstag, 12. August 2006, 23:09

Hey!!! Wake up you lot!! I've heard that today at midnight (so in about an hour) it will be possible to see falling "stars" on the sky (north-east direction), of course only when the sky is not cloudy... Don't forget to make a wish! :) I'm gonna watch, hope I'll see something :)
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 13. August 2006, 02:01

It's the Perseid Meteor Shower I think..?

Never can see much in NYC.. with the light pollution and the tall buildings.. Several years ago when viewing Mars was optimal, I was able to see it tho... It was the night of the huge blackout and we had nothing to do but sit up on the roof deck of my friend's apt.. but it was just a little red dot in the sky... nothing as fab as a meteor shower.


Sonntag, 13. August 2006, 11:42


Originally posted by erichazann
It's the Perseid Meteor Shower I think..?

Never can see much in NYC.. with the light pollution and the tall buildings.. Several years ago when viewing Mars was optimal, I was able to see it tho... It was the night of the huge blackout and we had nothing to do but sit up on the roof deck of my friend's apt.. but it was just a little red dot in the sky... nothing as fab as a meteor shower.

Yes, it's hard to watch the night sky in the cities...When I was in a village a few weeks ago there were sooo many stars visible on the sky - amazing!

Well, but last night I saw nothing :/ Too many clouds.
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 13. August 2006, 18:00

I checked star charts and by the time Perseus would be high in the sky, it would already be pretty late here in NYC... So I didn't venture out.. that's assuming also I could see anything. I was going to go down to the banks of the Hudson, but I didn't want to be in the park (alone?) like at 2-3 am... Plus, they said the moon was too full and bright.

The "peak" of the shower was around 7pm here, but it was still daylight, and I don't think Perseus had even come over the horizon yet..

Next year, with a new moon, it should be optimal tho.


Dienstag, 15. August 2006, 09:55

didn´t see anything but stars ( that´s something after all i know). mostly i was watching ppl wlking around, so i forgot to watch the sky....
Take my broken wings - teach me to fly again



Beiträge: 362

Beruf: Schülerin/Fetishmodel

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Mittwoch, 16. August 2006, 03:59

Shaya, have you ever tried to sing your post to the melody of Go Film? :tongue:


Mittwoch, 16. August 2006, 11:15

Never let me sing......
Take my broken wings - teach me to fly again


Mittwoch, 16. August 2006, 16:39


Original von shaya
Never let me sing......

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:



Beiträge: 362

Beruf: Schülerin/Fetishmodel

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Donnerstag, 17. August 2006, 02:31

Ok Sarah, then put it on the To-Do (To-Say?) list for Eskil :tongue: :D


Donnerstag, 17. August 2006, 14:21

Take my broken wings - teach me to fly again


Donnerstag, 17. August 2006, 16:31


Original von painpony
Ok Sarah, then put it on the To-Do (To-Say?) list for Eskil :tongue: :D

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
OMG! The list is soooooooo long and get's longer and longer and longer...!! ;)

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