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  • "Figurehead" startade denna tråd

Inlägg: 515

Yrke: Web-Developer/IT-Systemadmin

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måndag, 9. juni 2003, 15:47

Assemblage 23 in Leipzig

Ich würde doch gerne mal wissen wie das a23 Konzert auf den diesjährigen WGT war, wäre ja sehr gerne dabei gewesen :rolleyes:
i want to close the doors
behind my bleeding back
and dance amonge the shadows
for future glory's lost


onsdag, 11. juni 2003, 10:38

ich denke mal nicht, dass du was verpasst hast! im Stahlwerk waren sie nicht so der bringer!



Inlägg: 2

Yrke: Gott, Schüler

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måndag, 16. juni 2003, 12:21

ich würde mal sagen ansichtssache....ich fand den auftritt sehr gelungen - die stimmung war gut (zumindest in den vorderen reihen) und tom hatte auch seinen sichtlichen spaß.
der tour-auftritt in der moritzbastei im feburar war aber dennoch besser, aber da is halt schon mal die räumlichkeit genialer.

hehe, aber mit placebo effekt konnte an diesem abend sowiese keiner mithalten :D

Det här inlägget har redigerats 1 gånger, senaste redigeringen av "Judas" (16. juni 2003, 13:15)



Inlägg: 291

Yrke: natürlich covenant,apopytgma berzerk,the cure,depeche mode,front242,front line assembly,skinny puppy,placebo,and one,clan of xymox,birmingham6,hocico,sisters of mercy,cassandra complex,david bowie,kraftwerk,invincible spirit,soft cell

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tisdag, 17. juni 2003, 15:50

A23 kann mich in keinster weise musikalisch überzeugen.
Faith is only Fiction


måndag, 11. augusti 2003, 19:41

ich hab sie mal als vorgruppe von icon of coil in essen gesehen und war begeistert!!!


fredag, 26. december 2003, 07:09

Assemblage 23

More Soundtrack Work for Tom Shear
R.T. Herwig, the director of "The Good Thief" (NOT the Merchant-Ivory film) has apparently received funding to turn his screenplay "Letters to Catherine" into a film. As with "The Good Thief", Herwig has asked Tom Shear to write the score for the film.

Unreleased A23 remix of God Module to see light of day...
Several years ago, A23 did a remix for God Module of their track 'Evolve'. It was never released because God Module left Inception Records and apparently there were some hard feelings involved, so Inception wouldn't release the rights to the song for the band to release. Apparently, this is now water under the bridge and the band got permission to release the remix as part of a remix album on the German Out-of-Line label next year sometime.

Nerve Filter remixes Prospero
A23 side-project Nerve Filter has finished a remix for Canadian act Propsero to be released on a forthcoming CD.

Update on the Mesh Cover
As reported a month ago, Mark from Mesh sent me an MP3 of a cover he'd done of Assemblage 23's "Document". The latest news is that apparently the rest of the band really liked it and it will be released as a b-side to one of the next Mesh singles.

"Defiance" Hoodies Almost Gone
Just to let you know if you were thinking of picking one up... there are only a couple left, so get while the getting's good! There's only 2 of the Ltd. Edition "Document" shirts left as well.


tisdag, 17. februari 2004, 21:43

Tom Shear: Comic Book Character?

This is actually sort of old news, but we only recently got our copies. Anyway, alert comic book readers may have noticed that in the August issue of the GI Joe: Front Line comic, Tom makes a brief appearance as a newscaster in one scene. Scott Sturgis of Converter fame makes a much more significant appearance in a later issue as a conspiracy theorist. The comic is authored by Brandon Jerwa, who also happens to be the frontman of SD-6, a band Shear is producing, as well as, a good friend of both Tom and Scott's.

quelle http://www.synthetic.org/a23/frameset.html


tisdag, 23. mars 2004, 20:09

Assemblage 23 remixes Suicide Commando
Although A23 had been taking a self-imposed break from remixing in order to concentrate on the recording of the new album, A23 recently completed a remix for longtime friend Suicide Commando. Those who have followed A23 for a long time may remember that SC's Johan Van Roy included an A23 track on his Voltage II compilation many years ago, long before A23 was signed to a label. So it seemed a brief break in the recording schedule was the least A23 could do for Mr. Van Roy. The remix of "One Nation Under God" will be included on an upcoming double single for "Cause of Death: Suicide / One Nation Under God". A23 will return to taking a break from remixing until the completion of the new album and its accompanying maxi singles.

Regular "Defiance" Tee's Almost Gone!
If you've been thinking about picking up one of the short sleeved "Defiance" tees, now's the time to act. There are only a few of each size left. The Ltd. Edition "Document" tees are almost gone, as well. Check these out, plus the new zip-up hoodies in the MERCH section.

When is Assemblage 23 playing live next?
A ton of mail has been coming in about this, so here's the deal... Assemblage 23 will not be playing any shows until the new album comes out this fall. The only pre-release show will be InFest in Bradford, UK on August 27th (the same week as the first maxi for the new album comes out). A European tour will follow at the end of October through November, and a full US tour will take place in the Spring (2005). Canadian and other dates are sort of up in the air right now and will depend entirely on the schedules of band members.

quelle www.synthetic.org/a23


onsdag, 12. maj 2004, 21:17

First Maxi Single from "Storm" Finished
"Let the Wind Erase Me" will be the title of the first maxi from Assemblage 23's upcoming album "Storm". This maxi promises to be something different than the usual, however. Instead of putting out a single with a ton of remixes of the title track on it, this maxi will contain completely different versions of the title track in addition to two single-only b-sides ("Darker" and "Tragic Figure"). The different versions of "Let the Wind Erase Me" have completely different vocals, different melodies... everything. Only the lyrics and general chord structure are the same as the original. The aim is to create a single that is more like a mini-album that you can sit down and listen to from start to finish without reaching for the 'skip' button. More info will be posted closer to the late August release date. As noted before, for the first time, the singles will also be available domestically from Metropolis Records.

"Explicit" by Parallel Project to be Released as Single
"Explicit", a track Tom Shear contributed vocals and lyrics to for the upcoming Parallel Project album, will also be released as a single on Out-of-Line Records. Parallel Project is none other than Negative Format's Alex Matheu colloborating with different scene vocalists.

New T-shirt Available in Merch Section
Check out the merch section to see the new A23 logo tees. They're available in M, L, or XL. While you're there check out some of the other recent arrivals to the store...



tisdag, 29. juni 2004, 05:57

Storm" Finished
Work on Assemblage 23's fourth full-length album, entitled "Storm" was completed this week. The new album is very uptempo and danceable and is probably the most complex A23 material so far. The album is scheduled for release at the end of September. It will be preceded by a single entitled "Let the Wind Erase Me" which will come out at the end of August.



fredag, 27. augusti 2004, 23:07

Was haben Assemblage 23 und Whitesnake gemeinsam? Sie sind Gegenstand des Independent-Films "Rock On", welcher demnächst in Los Angeles seine Premiere feiert. Grob umrissen geht es in diesem Streifen um einen Typen, der den 1987er Whitesnake-Hit "Here I Go Again" hört und nicht mehr aus dem Kopf bekommt. An welcher Stelle und in welchem Zusammenhang nun Assemblage 23 mit ihrem Song "Document", remixed von Tristraum, auftauchen, ist bislang noch unklar. Im Zweifelsfalls sollten Fans der US-amerikanischen Futurepop-Ikone aber mit der brandneuen Single "Let The Wind Erase Me" vorlieb nehmen, die das Album "Storm" (Release im September) ankündigt. - http://www.rockon-movie.com



tisdag, 14. september 2004, 13:40

ASSEMBLAGE 23 gründet das Label 23DB für das Debutalbum von BACKANDTOTHELEFT!

"Assemblage 23 is proud to announce the formation of the 23db label. I had been toying with the idea of putting together a small label of my own when I began working on Nerve Filter material again. Because the Nerve Filter stuff would probably have a pretty limited audience, I thought it might make more sense for me to put the release out on my own rather than burden a label with it. Then, late last year and into the beginning of this year, I began producing tracks for a Seattle band called backandtotheleft. We shopped the CD around a bit after we finished it, but were unable to match them up with a good label. I felt this was a really strong release that should be heard, so I decided to put the album out myself. Thus, the first 23db release will be backandtotheleft's album "Obsolete". backandtotheleft's music can best be described as both upbeat and melancholic, melodic and danceable, but not at the expense of intelligent arrangements and literate, heartfelt lyrics. An exact release date isn't certain at the moment, but is expected to be sometime around the beginning of October. "Obsolete" will be available for sale on this site as well as through Metropolis Distribution. You'll also be able to catch backandtotheleft live in spring of 2005 as the support act for Assemblage 23's US "Storm" tour. I hope to get soundclips online soon, so keep an eye here for updates! As a final note, please understand the 23db will exist primarily as an outlet for my own side-project releases. At the moment I have no intention of signing any additional acts, and probably never will. A23 keeps me busy enough as it is! This also does not change my working relationship with Accession or Metropolis Records in any way, as they treat me very well and our working relationship is very happy." Tom Shear



onsdag, 24. november 2004, 20:33

Back from Europe!
A big thanks to all who came out to support us on our 2004 European "Storm" tour! The schedule was grueling (3 and a half weeks of shows with only 2 nights off), but we had a terrific time and met a lot of really cool fans. An extra special thanks to our terrific support acts Run Level Zero and Rotersand. Not only did they put on great performances, but they were really nice guys and an absolute joy to tour with. And last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thanks to A23's terrific road crew: Jökke, Axel, Sören, & Doreen. You guys are the unsung heros of the tour and we couldn't have done it without you. Thanks also to Jan for the giant Twix bars.


torsdag, 8. oktober 2009, 13:51


Das Releasedatum von ASSEMBLAGE 23 - Compass wurde auf den 23.10.2009 verschoben

Nähere Infos: http://www.reflectionsofdarkness.com/ind…=5948&Itemid=42



söndag, 3. januari 2010, 20:05

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