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domingo, 09 junho 2024 - 14:19 UTC+2


quinta, 28 abril 2005 - 00:09

Plötslichmusik - new songs released!


Two new Plötslichmusik tracks, "Frau auf Frau" and "Wer Sind Sie", have just been released for download on http://plotslichmusik.ufomagnet.com
Don't miss this, even Covenant loves them.



sábado, 11 junho 2005 - 13:18

Just the other day I was trying to decribe this band to a co-worker:

Me: I just downloaded some tracks from this band. It sounds like the lead singer of Rammstein grabbed
the members of Depeche Mode to make his backing music -- with a little techno beat thrown in.....

Co-workwer: Oooooh, sounds cool! Who is this again?

Me: Pole-lits-moo-sik? Poe-slick....? ?( Hold on a minute..... *thinking* Plot-lich?? Oh, Plotslich! Plötslichmusik!

(This episode of Sesame Street has been brought to you by the letter "P"....... :tongue: )

I know that description is kind of limiting, but mind you I was trying to explain this to someone who knows nothing about EBM.....

Anyway, this stuff is absolutely fantastic! Please, keep 'em coming! :perfekt:
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