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fredag, 8. april 2005, 14:45

Covenant @ SAMA 2005

Covenant werden das diesjährige SAMA Festival am 13.05.2005 in Göteborg/SE auf der "Garden stage" headlinen.

Quelle: http://www.sama.mu/


söndag, 15. maj 2005, 19:11

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

I've just recently moved to Sweden and was fortunate enough to be able to catch Covenant live at SAMA this past weekend. Ii want to say that, despite a few small technical issues in the beginning, they were the highlight of my entire evening at SAMA and I stayed until the last band left the stage. Covenant kicked off their set with " Shelter" (a great introduction) and played a lot of other familiar tracks that i've never seen live back in the states (i think a few were slightly remixed or tweaked as well). the crowd went absolutely insane over the music... it sounded fantastic over the loudspeakers and the band themselves seemed to be in great spirits, smiling and dancing around!

One more thing,.. The new songs possessed a lot of energy, hard beats and one or two had robotic voices and this really got the crowd moving... I can't wait for the Skyshaper album to hit the streets now that Ii've experienced a couple of those songs performed live!! thanks for a great show guys... you really made the party worth while for us!

all the best, Jason


tisdag, 17. maj 2005, 08:35

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

I only can agree to Jason. The SAMA show was very cool... despite the few problems at the beginning. And hearing songs like Superluminal or Consumer was absolutely fantastic. And the new live version of Stalker kicks ass. The 3 new songs fitted very good into the set... Jokkes voice singing "Brave new world..." was also known so far from the new website as it was under construction ;)

Thank you guys! Pics will folow of course :)


onsdag, 18. maj 2005, 08:30

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005


Original von Black_Cat
I only can agree to Jason. The SAMA show was very cool... despite the few problems at the beginning. And hearing songs like Superluminal or Consumer was absolutely fantastic. And the new live version of Stalker kicks ass. The 3 new songs fitted very good into the set... Jokkes voice singing "Brave new world..." was also known so far from the new website as it was under construction ;)

Thank you guys! Pics will folow of course :)

And I still hope, that the guys will perform on a festival in germany this summer! M'Era Luna last year was just GREAT!
And this was the first time ever I saw them on stage... :sch:


onsdag, 18. maj 2005, 09:07

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

I am sure you´ll have a new chance latest in autumn after the album is released ;)


onsdag, 18. maj 2005, 10:49

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005


Original von Black_Cat
I am sure you´ll have a new chance latest in autumn after the album is released ;)

I think so. ;)


onsdag, 18. maj 2005, 22:04

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

so, mal ein erstes meiner Fotos... folge dem weißen Kaninchen... ähm, dem Link ;)



fredag, 20. maj 2005, 13:44

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

Unser großes SAMA special ist jetzt online auf www.reflectionsofdarkness.com


fredag, 20. maj 2005, 13:54

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005


Original von Black_Cat
Unser großes SAMA special ist jetzt online auf www.reflectionsofdarkness.com

Sehr schön. :) Dann muss ich doch gleich mal gucken...


fredag, 20. maj 2005, 15:24

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

ich hoffe, es gefällt ;)


fredag, 20. maj 2005, 17:24

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

soooooooo, die Bilder sind da :) :)

:) :) :)



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måndag, 23. maj 2005, 13:21

Here's a friends pictures from sama:


If you know what to look for you can find me in at least two of them ;)
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.

Det här inlägget har redigerats 1 gånger, senaste redigeringen av "gayk" (23. maj 2005, 13:22)


måndag, 23. maj 2005, 16:52

ahhh, thank you :)
I´ve found you, my boyfriend and a lot of friends of mine :) :)


tisdag, 24. maj 2005, 12:52

Sag mal, machst du die Bilder eigentlich mit Digitalkamera oder mit Film?
Ich find die sind echt gut geworden!! :)


onsdag, 25. maj 2005, 15:38


Original von Black_Cat
Digitale Spiegelreflex ;)

Ah! Deswegen haben die auch nicht so eine besch****eidene
Scan-Qualität. :)
Ich hab letztens auf Fotos auch nem Konzi gemacht, aber
fast alle mit digital-zoom. Da werden die immer so krisselig... :rolleyes:


onsdag, 25. maj 2005, 22:31

digital zoom kannste vergessen. lieber gar ned zoomen und den entsprechenden Bereich später per Bildbearbeitungsprogramm ausschneiden. Da haste mehr von ;)


måndag, 30. maj 2005, 08:04


Original von Black_Cat
digital zoom kannste vergessen. lieber gar ned zoomen und den entsprechenden Bereich später per Bildbearbeitungsprogramm ausschneiden. Da haste mehr von ;)

Joa, das hab ich jetzt auch gemerkt. ;)

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