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  • "erichazann" started this thread

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Monday, November 6th 2006, 10:40pm

Hiya Vorbedacht! Hey, thanks for opening that door at Sanctuary! I was with Ted, Clas and Eskil (me == the redhead)... and they were kinda just standing there for a while and I tried to open the door.. but could not get it to budge. I thought it was locked... so after another minute or so of just standing outside talking, I mentioned the door would not open.. and that's when Ted tried to open it.

Next time say hi, they don't bite!

Are you not from San Antonio? My plan was to get a cab to the afterparty also, but I was able to hitch a ride with the hospitality chick. Waiting for a cab after the afterparty was hell... we had to wait well over an hour, and I was calling the car companies every 15 min I think. the 222's and 666s were busy the whole time, but there was another one who kept saying he was trying to get someone to come for us. Finally, I got through to yet another service who I think eventually got us the cab driver who pulled up and yelled:

"I'm here to pick up some satanic worshipers!"

He was creepy.. but he got us home. I told him we were nice people... he said "Nice people wear white chiffon dresses!!" He wasn't all that bad, but it was a little creepy and pretty much our only option to get back to our hotels.

You weren't the guy waiting with us who took the first cab, were you?

Anyway, that is how I met Holley/ilex011 and recruited her to the forum.

I have more SA pictures, I just have to make them look pretty.



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Monday, November 6th 2006, 11:13pm

I walked to the Sanctuary since I am familiar with the area, not the safest of things to do, though I made it to the Sanctuary before the band. Not something I would ever suggest, though it seems necessary time to time.

By any chance was the cab driver's name "Ozzy"? I think I was the first one he took home, nice guy, slightly, not very conversational though. Something else happened to my girlfriend in Dallas and I was slightly worried over it the entire night. I needed to get home so I could call her and make sure she was alright, long story!

I live here, though, far from the White Rabbit, farther on north side near University of Texas at San Antonio, about 10-30km away.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Vorbedacht" (May 14th 2007, 2:58pm)



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Tuesday, November 7th 2006, 5:45am


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
I do not have any photos, I am waiting for more pictures from the San Antonio show to surface, until then I wrote a amateurish summary of the 20 October show here.

If anyone who attended the concert or after party wonders who I am, I was jumping around in the left-centre area of the crowd, and at the after party I was slightly shy and ran away from the band each time I saw them. Was nervous/avoidant/irritated as both (major) cab services in the city had busy signals (-and I really needed to go home), hopefully I did not come off badly!

Hello! I'm from Texas too and also new to the forum. I was at the San Antonio show also front center so I am sure we probably smacked into each other at some point, heh.

I remember Ozzy the cab driver- he's the one that initially turned us down as he picked up someone else. :/ As erichazann said, waiting for that last Godot of cabs was ~nightmarish~.

Welcome. :)



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Tuesday, November 7th 2006, 2:05pm

I was the first he picked up so it was probably me :sch:.



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Tuesday, November 7th 2006, 6:23pm


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
I was the first he picked up so it was probably me :sch:.

Haha- yeah, well, Ozzy came and went a few times from the club I noticed. One of my friends from Dallas (there were a TON of us there!) left his shirt in the back seat. :p

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ilex011" (Nov 7th 2006, 6:24pm)



  • "erichazann" started this thread

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Saturday, May 12th 2007, 11:49pm

crowd surfing

I don't remember what thread we talked about it in, but I was able to salvage a bit from my one picture of Eskil on his back in the crowd. It's a bit blurry, but I did my best considering the original. Lucky for me, I shot in RAW and could modify the exposure.
Here is the massive size one for download. 1.3 MB

This was the original. Totally overexposed.

This was San Antonio.. btw.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "erichazann" (May 12th 2007, 11:50pm)



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Sunday, May 13th 2007, 1:00am

RE: crowd surfing


Originally posted by erichazann
I don't remember what thread we talked about it in, but I was able to salvage a bit from my one picture of Eskil on his back in the crowd. It's a bit blurry, but I did my best considering the original. Lucky for me, I shot in RAW and could modify the exposure.
Here is the massive size one for download. 1.3 MB

This was the original. Totally overexposed.

This was San Antonio.. btw.

Excellent! That was such a fun show- good times! That pic does capture the feeling of the moment nicely. :tongue:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ilex011" (May 13th 2007, 1:00am)


Monday, May 14th 2007, 10:45am


Oh, thank you so much for posting that photo! My husband wouldn't believe me that Eskil actually was stage diving at the US tour. Now I can proof it. :-]
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Tuesday, May 15th 2007, 3:44pm

Eskil crowd-surfing? Holy cow! 8o :perfekt:



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Sunday, June 3rd 2007, 3:10am


Your pictures rock! Eskil has a "I LOVE THIS STUFF" face. Thanks for putting them online.

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