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Montag, 10. Juni 2024, 23:16 UTC+2


Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 18:00

NYC: Avalon (Limelight) seized by NY State

I'm a little behind, but I just read about this.

Avalon, the new Limelight, has been seized by NY State for non-payment of taxes... as much as 125K owed. (the upcoming KMFDM show might be cancelled if they can't find an alternative venue).

Rumors are also flying about outstanding lawsuits from employees and promoters who are owed a lot of $$$.

This is where I saw my first Covenant show! Although, the venue has changed substantially since. Avalon is/was a big megaclub experience now. Limelight was that also, but hosted many more concerts and goth/fetish events.

As I understand it.. the church has an owner, which is separate from the owners of Avalon, who only own the brand Avalon and the lease to use the church. So, I don't think the real estate has been seized really, but the business has been seized, and shut down. Ironically, Avalon opted not to use the Limelight name when they bought it from Peter Gatien in bankruptcy court because they thought it had too much of a bad reputation.. now they have their own bad rep.

clubplanet news article
more info here

mods.. feel free to move to Gossip if it belongs there.

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