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Montag, 10. Juni 2024, 12:33 UTC+2


Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010, 15:51

Lustmord live in Stockholm, free concert.

"Lustmord will perform in Stockholm on January 15th 2011 at Södra Teatern.
Presented in cooperation with Sveriges Radio as part of SR's Art's Birthday 2011 celebrations.
Note: This event is free.

While in Stockholm I'll also be doing a seminar at Elektronmusikstudion EMS. most likely on January 14th.
Check my Twitter feed and the Lustmord Facebook Page for further details about the seminar nearer the date."

Extremely jealous. 4th live show in 25 years, if anyone in the area misses it I will be greatly disappointed!


Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011, 02:09

More information:…inar-11411.html

Seminar at EMS in Stockholm limited to 80 seats.

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