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Samstag, 8. Juni 2024, 14:34 UTC+2


Samstag, 13. September 2008, 09:00

Download - Furnace liner notes


Download successfully merged the sonic depth of IDM with the aggression and intensity that had been Skinny Puppy's trademark. With its basis in collective improvisation, Furnace eschewed the freeze-dried clichés of EBM, industrial dance, and by-the-numbers techno. As confrontational as it was trippy, it was an electronic music that was alive and breathing, at once archaic and futuristic-ritual music from space. While they shared some of the same DNA, this band and Skinny Puppy were entirely different animals

Very fascinating read.

(-the 2007 remastered edition from Subconscious was so very welcome!)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Vorbedacht« (13. September 2008, 09:02)


Samstag, 13. September 2008, 09:51

RE: Download - Furnace liner notes

Thanks for this! :perfekt:


Samstag, 13. September 2008, 12:12

These guys are releasing so much music right now, it's hard to keep track of. There are at least 20 releases from the SubCon camp that have come out since 2003.

Just since January:
-2-3 Phil Western albums
-2 Kone albums (Phil Western's downgraded psychotic techno)
-2 Beehatch albums
-1 ohGr album
-Tear Garden album soon
-another Skinny Puppy album soon

The Beehatch and 2nd Kone album are really good.

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