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Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007, 02:55

Netlabel Goodness

Vorbic has just released The Sense of A by Peresvet. It's really lovely. Light and soothing. To me anyway.

While on the same webpage I came across Interspatial. REALLY liking Mekong. It's very well-constructed; very tight and meticulous. With all the songs one gets the distinct feeling that the guy had a lot of fun as he was creating them and that enhances one's listening experience.

God, I cannot write a decent review to save my life... Vor, how about you go listen to this and do it for me? You're much better at this sort of thing... :P

(if this is old news, I apologize for being late on the uptake... it happens! ;) )


Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007, 03:40

Mekong is very hypnotic!


Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007, 03:54

RE: Netlabel Goodness

It is the first time for me to listen to Vorbics music.

I like the begining of the song Mekong but I don´t like the playing of the cymbals. :schimpf: ;)

Madagaska sounds for me best. :perfekt:

Spirelium sounds lil bit boring for my ears. :(

Schönesterne sounds mysterious...ike a criminal or thriller movie. :lol:


Originally posted by ilex011
Vorbic has just released The Sense of A by Peresvet. It's really lovely. Light and soothing. To me anyway.

While on the same webpage I came across Interspatial. REALLY liking Mekong. It's very well-constructed; very tight and meticulous. With all the songs one gets the distinct feeling that the guy had a lot of fun as he was creating them and that enhances one's listening experience.

God, I cannot write a decent review to save my life... Vor, how about you go listen to this and do it for me? You're much better at this sort of thing... :P

(if this is old news, I apologize for being late on the uptake... it happens! ;) )

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