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Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024, 01:26 UTC+2


Freitag, 5. Oktober 2007, 06:58

Fennesz, Biosphere

You lucky, lucky Euros! ;)

According to Lastfm, Fennesz is making the rounds over there... just played with Young Gods at the Mutamenti Festival, and will be playing with *Tuxedomoon* at Casa da Música in Porto, Portugal on the 13th.

Ahhhh!!! I love Tuxedomoon and hopefully will see them live some day. With Fennesz would be even better but no, I am... Geographically Challenged...

:!: :mauer: :!:

And to add insult to injury, Biosphere is also making the rounds. He was just in *Seattle*. I didn't know this. I didn't see it on the Lastfm calendar, I guess I overlooked it. And I just checked his website not too long ago to see if maybe I got lucky and he was playing any live dates in the States! Am kicking self. Biosphere is one of my very, very favorites.

:mauer: :mauer: :mauer:

But enough about me- here are the rest of the Biosphere dates:

7 October:
Teatro Ariosto, 9:00pm
Reggio Emilia

Mon 8 Oct – Sat 13 Oct:
MUTEK: Festival Internacional de Cultura Digital, 8pm
Ciudad de México
(also playing this show is Antiguo Automata Mexicano... I only have Kraut Slut by him and it is *really* good)

23 October:
The Bedford Arms, 8:00pm
77 Bedford Hill
Balham, London

24, 25 October:
Museum of Garden History, 8:00pm

Dammit! Just saw that he was in San Francisco too, which I could have made.

Okay, Holley is going to get off the internet now because she's very upset... ;(

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