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Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2004, 12:38


Dear Clas, Eskil, and Joakim,

I guess this is going to be more of a statement (or an essay ;) ) instead of just a simple question, and I’d love to read your comments....

When I first heard that Covenant has signed to Synthetic Symphony/SPV I was not only very delighted that Covenant has found a new label but I was also a little worried in a way.
With the following exegesis I don´t want to imply that Synthetic Symphony would be a bad record label. I know that they do a great job, that the guys at Synthetic Symphony are committed to the music they release, and that this label has a great roaster of artists such as Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, The Klinik, and many more. Synthetic Symphony is actually one of the best and most reputable record companies for EBM and Industrial.
But does that really hit the spot for Covenant?
To go like a bull at the gate, I wouldn’t like to see Covenant stuck in the typical Goth/EBM scene forever. I wouldn’t like to see Covenant sharing stages exclusively with the likes of Blutengel, Within Temptation, Funker Vogt, In Extremo, Unheilig or L´Ame Immortelle for the rest of our lives.

Your music has evolved, it has enhanced beyond the standard EBM stuff for a long time now (and was imho never Gothic, btw) and I for one file my Covenant CDs under ‘Electronica’ with bands like Underworld, Fluke, ASCII.Disco or Plastikman rather than together with :wumpscut:, Project Pitchfork or their now-label mates Funker Vogt, for example.

I don’t want to say that you should abandon the audiences you have achieved to gain today. No way!!! You have a very solid fan base, and that’s very cool. But I more and more feel that Covenant has to reach out for different audiences to survive.
The first steps in the right direction have been made. On the last singles there were remixes by people like Thomas P. Heckmann, Ellen Alien or Christian Morgenstern. The results of their work were brilliant and refreshing, and, of particular importance, it may have opened a few doors for Covenant to spheres outside the particular scene where your music has been nearly solely received up to then.
The singles have also been released on vinyl, which is important for the club scene.
A video for Bullet was shot – a great, good looking, non-low-budget video (but on the other hand I immediately knew that it wasn’t the kind of rotation that gets heavy rotation on MTV…oh well).
And, last but not least, Covenant got some coverage in medias beyond the typical Goth/EBM/whatever magazines and fanzines.
For that matter, your last label ka2 did a very good job. Unfortunately, for certain reasons, it did not yield fruit as much as one could have hoped for. Not yet!

I know that it´s very hard for a band with an EBM or Goth background to get through to the mainstream or other music scenes because all-too many times those bands are not taken seriously or are even ridiculed. I´m afraid that in the eyes of an average editor of 'mainstream' music mag or of the ordinary college radio DJ Covenant still has this EBM/Goth background, despite the fact that your music has left back EBM a long time ago and was never Gothic, anyway.
I think the biggest challenge for your band in the near future is to appeal to new, different audiences, to approach new media (be it TV, radio, or music mags that didn't care too much up to now), and to accomplish a new standing imagewise - without neglecting or even losing the following you have managed to build up so far. Quite a challenge!

As I said, this is not going to be a simple question but rather an attempt to share my point with view. Or a very long and boring sermon, if anything. ;)
Let´s cut it down on this: Now that you are back on a label with a classic EBM/Goth environment, do you think that Synthetic Symphony is able and/or willing to follow the route on which the first steps were made with your last releases? Is Synthetic Symphony in the position to place Covenant in 'mainstream' media, on the bills of 'mainstream' festivals or in the support slot of big acts like, let´s say, Underworld, Moby or Prodigy? Etcetera......

After all, your music is ‘Pop with an edge’ and deserves an accurate treatment. :)

Best wishes,
(who never ever manages to make it short, heh!) :lol:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Niggels« (26. Februar 2004, 12:39)


Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2004, 19:40

Hey Niggels.

Yep, you never knew when to stop, did you? :tongue:

Thanks for your interesting points of view. To answer your question in a short way: this remains to be seen.

Even though I don't want to discuss our choices of record labels here I can assure you that we always take great care when we choose partners to work with. Synthetic Symphony and its parent label SPV has a great distribution network, artists in a wide variety of alternative styles and very good international connections. And they are one of the very few economically solid labels in Europe. We believe that these hard facts combined with complete artistic freedom makes them a very good choice for us.

Crossing over to different scenes and genres is naturally appealing. I think it's obvious that we are kind of a strange fish in the traditional Darkwave/EBM/Gothic scene. But we do have a lot in common with that scene. I have always seen our work as a trinity between New Romantic synth pop, dark EBM/industrial and avant-garde underground dance music. It also means that we really don't 'belong' anywhere and it's difficult to classify what kind of music we actually make. And that we keep changing all the time doesn't make it any easier.

And, as you say yourself, we are incredibly blessed to have such a solid and very loyal fanbase that patiently put up with our mood swings, restlessness and constant transformation. We will try our best to stay true and give back as much as we can. Hopefully we will continue to find new people along the way that will join our united states of mind. Trying to play at other types of festivals in one way of doing that. Another is to choose remixers cleverly and sneak into clubs that way.

There are many paths to choose from and believe me, we're not afraid to walk them all. It just takes some time...



Samstag, 28. Februar 2004, 21:18

German translation / Deutsche Übersetzung:
( ich hoffe, auch von mir ohne fehlinterpretationen )

[Jetzt wo Ihr wieder bei einem Label mit einem typischem EBM/Goth Umfeld seid, denkt Ihr, das Synthetic Symphony fähig und/oder bereit ist der Richtung zu folgen in der schon die ersten Schritte mit Euren vorigen Veröffentlichungen gemacht wurden? Ist Synthetic Symphony in der Lage Covenant in die 'Mainstream'-Medien, auf die 'Mainstream'-Festival-Plakate oder als Vorgruppe von großen Bands wie, sagen wir, Underworld, Moby oder Prodigy zu bringen?? Usw....]

Hey Niggels,

Danke für Deine interessanten Gesichtspunkte. Um Deine Frage kurz zu beantworten: Dies wird sich zeigen.

Obwohl ich hier nicht über die Auswahl unserer Plattenlabel diskutieren möchte, kann ich Dir versichern, daß wir immer sehr sorgfältig vorgehen, wenn wir Partner wählen, mit denen wir zusammen arbeiten. Synthetic Symphony und ihr Hauptlabel SPV haben ein großes Vertriebsnetzwerk, Künstler in einer umfangreichen Auswahl an alternativen Stilen und sehr gute, internationale Beziehungen. Und sie sind eines der wenigen wirtschaftlich soliden Labels in Europa. Wir glauben, daß diese bloßen Tatsachen kombiniert mit komplettem künstlerischem Freiraum sie zu einer sehr guten Wahl für uns machen.

Überschreitungen zu anderen Szenen und Genres sind natürlich reizvoll. Ich denke, es ist offensichtlich das wir eine Art schräger Vogel in der traditionellen Darkwave/EBM/Gothic-Szene sind. Aber wir haben eine Menge gemeinsam mit dieser Szene. Ich habe unsere Arbeit immer als eine Dreifaltigkeit zwischen New Romantic Synth Pop, Dark EBM/Industrial und Avantgarde Underground Musik gesehen. Das heißt also, daß wir nicht wirklich irgendwo 'dazugehören' und es ist schwierig zu klassifizieren, welche Art von Musik wir eigentlich machen. Und das wir uns ständig verändern, macht es nicht einfacher.

Und, wie Du schon sagst, wir sind unglaublich glücklich eine so solide und sehr loyale Fangemeinde zu haben, die sich geduldig abfindet mit unseren Stimmungsschwankungen, Unruhen und konstanten Umwandlungen.
Wir werden unser Bestes versuchen uns treu zu bleiben und soviel wir können zurück zugeben. Hoffentlich werden wir auch weiterhin neue Leute entlang des Weges finden, die sich unseren 'united states of mind' anschließen.
Versuchen, bei anderen Arten von Festivals zu spielen ist ein Weg dies zu tun. Ein anderer ist es, geschickte Remixer zu suchen und sich auf diesem Weg in die Clubs zu schleichen.

Es gibt viele Wege die man wählen kann und glaub mir, wir fürchten uns nicht sie alle zu gehen. Es braucht nur etwas Zeit...

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