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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Dienstag, 21. November 2006, 14:43

One World One Sky by Unto Ashes


There's a very unusual cover version of Covenant's One World One Sky by the US band Unto Ashes. Their version is pretty much between Medieval dirges and Apocalyptic Folk. Very interesting to hear a version of this Electro stomper with violins, a hurdy-gurdy and rather ethereal voices!

I think you can listen to a clip of the song here:

The song appears on the most recent Unto Ashes album "Songs For A Widow".



Dienstag, 21. November 2006, 15:05

Mus tdo that at home. Too bad that Unto Ashes did not play it during their autumn tour with Qntal



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Mittwoch, 22. November 2006, 13:33

Not to be rude, but it thought it sounded quite bad, but then I'm not really into chanting monks etc..
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.


Freitag, 24. November 2006, 06:44

I liked it, but I am big into all that middle eastern/celtic crap at the moment... fills the dance floor big around here...
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this



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Sonntag, 26. November 2006, 16:15

Some goods songs are only good if they are played like they have been written. They only take effect with the original instruments, and OWOS is one of them.


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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Sonntag, 26. November 2006, 18:19

I hear what you´re saying but I find it much more interesting when a band from a completely different genre makes a cover version. In my opionion it wouldn´t make much sense if a band very similar to Covenant would make a cover version of OWOS.

So while Unto Ashes´version doesn´t make me too excited, I do appreciate that they had a completely different take on this particular song. In this sense I find their version pretty enjoyable. :)


Sonntag, 26. November 2006, 18:34


Originally posted by Niggels
I hear what you´re saying but I find it much more interesting when a band from a completely different genre makes a cover version. In my opionion it wouldn´t make much sense if a band very similar to Covenant would make a cover version of OWOS.

So while Unto Ashes´version doesn´t make me too excited, I do appreciate that they had a completely different take on this particular song. In this sense I find their version pretty enjoyable. :)

I'm somewhere between you and Painpony on this one. I do like Unto Ashes and I can appreciate what they were trying to do with this cover, but aesthetically it does nothing for me.

I say all of this, and I *just* got done listening to William Shatner's cover of Rocket Man right before I read this thread; how's that for a basis of comparison, ha ha ha... :lol:


Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2006, 11:56


Originally posted by ilex011


Originally posted by Niggels
I hear what you´re saying but I find it much more interesting when a band from a completely different genre makes a cover version. In my opionion it wouldn´t make much sense if a band very similar to Covenant would make a cover version of OWOS.

So while Unto Ashes´version doesn´t make me too excited, I do appreciate that they had a completely different take on this particular song. In this sense I find their version pretty enjoyable. :)

I'm somewhere between you and Painpony on this one. I do like Unto Ashes and I can appreciate what they were trying to do with this cover, but aesthetically it does nothing for me.

I say all of this, and I *just* got done listening to William Shatner's cover of Rocket Man right before I read this thread; how's that for a basis of comparison, ha ha ha... :lol:

That Shatner cover, then Stewie clone, about what? a decade later on Family Guy?, made me wanna shoot people. Stewie funny Shatner suck.

Oh, forgot to make mention on the cover of OWOS: weird. Cool but weird. I'd take a listen to the entire song just to get a better feel and opinion of it.
Fave bands (no particular order): Covenant, VNV Nation, Imperative Reaction, Funker Vogt, God Module, Backandtotheleft, Assemblage 23, more to be added once I get around to it. Oh and Covenant was put first since of course, this is the Covenant forum.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Cynagen« (31. Dezember 2006, 11:57)

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