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Originally posted by Joakim
Originally posted by Daniel Myer
exactly. it didnt make the flight from madrid to barcelona. its very difficult for airport staff, to take care of bands equipment.... hahaha
It's the curse of Madrid! Every single time I've flown in or out of Madrid they lose my things. I even tried to make sure nothing would happen by personally carrying the G2X to the "special luggage" check in. Amazing. Next time I'll insist on carrying the damn thing on board.
At least I got it back after some serious wrangling at the airport in Barcelona. But there is something wrong with the Spanish way of handling things. Even the poor guy at the airport in Buenos Aires said so: "Oh, from Madrid? Hm. I'll do my best..."
Originally posted by Manuel (EiD)
[d] In unserer Rubrik "Equipment" möchten wir unseren Besuchern nach und nach mehr über die wichtigsten Covenant-Klangerzeuger erzählen. Unser erster Artikel behandelt den Sampler "Prophet 2000", der bisher auf jedem Covenant-Album zum Einsatz kam.
[e] In our category "Equipment" we plan to tell our vistors more about some of the major Covenant-synths by and by. Our first article is about the Sampler "Prophet 2000", wich have been used on every Covenant album so far.
Originally posted by Manuel (EiD)
Thank you Joakim for the funny and interesting story! :-] May I copy your text and also make it a linked sub-article of the P2k-article at
And I corrected the name of the Evolver... Wonder how this could happen...![]()
Original von Joakim
Originally posted by Manuel (EiD)
Thank you Joakim for the funny and interesting story! :-] May I copy your text and also make it a linked sub-article of the P2k-article at
And I corrected the name of the Evolver... Wonder how this could happen...![]()
Of course. And btw, I really like the work you guys are doing. Please remember that we're always ready to answer any questions you may have.
Originally posted by michelem31
Originally posted by Joakim
Unfortunately I highly doubt that. But I won't go too far into the shadier parts of the story, it would be pretty embarrassing.
So no stories from your time in the military then?![]()
Originally posted by Joakim
Well, military stories tend to get extremely boring or exaggerated. It's a bit like fishing/hunting stories. Or in my case, depressing. So... no.
Originally posted by Joakim
A suggestion for future parts of the "equipment" section:
Clavia Nord Modular
Moog Voyager
Roland drum machines
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "gaseki" (Apr 3rd 2008, 8:17pm)