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Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 11:25

Interview mit Joakim

Niggels hat ja schon angekündigt, dass er für uns (Reflections of Darkness) ein Interview mit Joakim geführt hat. Was Herr Montelius zu sagen hatte über das neue Album, das frühere Label K2 oder Depeche Mode, könnt ihr jetzt im ersten Teil nachlesen:…d=779&Itemid=46




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Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 11:53

RE: Interview mit Joakim

Sehr interessanter erster Teil, man erfährt doch wesentlich mehr als das übliche 'Wir haben ein neues super tolles neues Album' Gesabber. Bin unglaublich gespannt auf den zweiten Teil!!!
i want to close the doors
behind my bleeding back
and dance amonge the shadows
for future glory's lost


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 11:59

Das ist ein wirklich schönes und interessantes Interview! Dankschön! :perfekt:

(ts, ich hätte gewettet, dass 'Happy Man' Eskil's Lyrics sind ;-) Gut, dass ich es nciht getan habe


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 12:21


Original von Claudia
Das ist ein wirklich schönes und interessantes Interview! Dankschön! :perfekt:

(ts, ich hätte gewettet, dass 'Happy Man' Eskil's Lyrics sind ;-) Gut, dass ich es nciht getan habe

Bei der Wette wäre ich übrigens dabei gewesen... :rolleyes:

Bin auch schon total auf den zweiten Teil gespannt. Denke mal, Niggels kriegt den bis Ende der Woche fertig?


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 12:45

Ich find das Interview auch super interessant und bin auf den Rest gespannt!

Zu den Lyrics kann ich leider nix sagen, da muss ich wohl noch warten bis die CD endlich kommt.


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Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 13:32


Original von Black_Cat


Original von Claudia
Das ist ein wirklich schönes und interessantes Interview! Dankschön! :perfekt:

(ts, ich hätte gewettet, dass 'Happy Man' Eskil's Lyrics sind ;-) Gut, dass ich es nciht getan habe

Bei der Wette wäre ich übrigens dabei gewesen... :rolleyes:

Und ich auch! ;)

Freut mich, dass das Interview euch gefällt. :) Sind zwar noch 2-3 Tippfehler drin, wie ich grad entdeckt hab, aber es ist ja lesbar, gelle? ;)


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 14:17

Tja, dann hätten wird die Wette halt alle gemeinsam verloren ;-)

Liest sich wirklich gut. Bei dem "this is a promotional copy" Hinweis musste ich ganz schön lachen.
Wir sollten übrigens das Ergänzen der Zeile für die Tour einüben :D


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 15:03


Original von Niggels


Original von Black_Cat


Original von Claudia
Das ist ein wirklich schönes und interessantes Interview! Dankschön! :perfekt:

(ts, ich hätte gewettet, dass 'Happy Man' Eskil's Lyrics sind ;-) Gut, dass ich es nciht getan habe

Bei der Wette wäre ich übrigens dabei gewesen... :rolleyes:

Und ich auch! ;)

Freut mich, dass das Interview euch gefällt. :) Sind zwar noch 2-3 Tippfehler drin, wie ich grad entdeckt hab, aber es ist ja lesbar, gelle? ;)

hab ich trotz KOrrekturlesen doch noch was übersehen? Naja, kannste eigentlich selbst ändern... musst dich nur einloggen ;)


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 15:04


Original von Claudia
Tja, dann hätten wird die Wette halt alle gemeinsam verloren ;-)

Liest sich wirklich gut. Bei dem "this is a promotional copy" Hinweis musste ich ganz schön lachen.
Wir sollten übrigens das Ergänzen der Zeile für die Tour einüben :D

hehehe... das nenn ich mal nen guten Gag :D


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 18:02


Original von Black_Cat


Original von Claudia
Tja, dann hätten wird die Wette halt alle gemeinsam verloren ;-)

Liest sich wirklich gut. Bei dem "this is a promotional copy" Hinweis musste ich ganz schön lachen.
Wir sollten übrigens das Ergänzen der Zeile für die Tour einüben :D

hehehe... das nenn ich mal nen guten Gag :D

OK, dann bräuchte ich nur noch die Songs die gespielt werden und die Nummer vom Takt bei dem das kommt. :)
Ich bring das!! :tongue:


Montag, 6. Februar 2006, 21:10

shit ich kann es nicht lesen, da seite nicht gefunden *grummwel
Im Schoß der silberhellen Schneenacht
dort schlummert alles weit und breit,
und nur ein ewig wildes Weh wacht
in einer Seele Einsamkeit.
Du fragst, warum die Seele schwiege,
warum sie’s in die Nacht hinaus
nicht gießt? - Sie weiß, wenns ihr entstiege,
es löschte alle Sterne aus.


Montag, 6. Februar 2006, 21:11

Die Seite ist leider immer noch offline, da das Magazin einem Hackerangriff zum Opfer gefallen ist. Wir hoffen aber, dass wir es vielleicht heute Nacht noch hin kriegen...


Montag, 6. Februar 2006, 21:13

Du könntest Teil 1 des Interviews ja vielleicht hier posten, Dani?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (6. Februar 2006, 21:21)


Montag, 6. Februar 2006, 21:15

hm... morgen... hab die Textdatei noch im Büro. Hoffe, ich vergesse das morgen nicht...


Montag, 6. Februar 2006, 21:18

hab Dir ne Mail geschickt...


Montag, 6. Februar 2006, 21:26

das wäre eine gute Ideee, bin eh schon hibbelig auf donnerstag,*gg
1. gutes Konzert
2. alte Freunde treffen
und das zusammen ist mal wieder ne gute Mischung, naja und zur Beruhigung dann das interview wäre eine gute arbeitsablenkung *gg

rubinrote Grüße
siri ;)
Im Schoß der silberhellen Schneenacht
dort schlummert alles weit und breit,
und nur ein ewig wildes Weh wacht
in einer Seele Einsamkeit.
Du fragst, warum die Seele schwiege,
warum sie’s in die Nacht hinaus
nicht gießt? - Sie weiß, wenns ihr entstiege,
es löschte alle Sterne aus.


Montag, 6. Februar 2006, 21:27

so, heir mal das erste Stück vom Teil 1 (danke Claudia)

Hello Joakim, how are you doing?
Montelius: “Oh, I’m doing fine. It’s been a long day and I still have to
do a few telephone interviews later on. But I’m enjoying myself with
prospect of having finally a new album out and the respective tour.”

Did you happen to read my review for “Skyshaper” on Reflections of
Darkness which wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about the album in general?
Montelius: “I actually did read it, and found it quite interesting! And
don’t worry! I won’t kill you for being a little critical. [laughs] I
prefer honest opinions, anyway. And perhaps you have a good point in the
sense that not everything on the album is in its right place. There’s
quite a varietey, you know?”

Yeah, but that’s basically great. But when you take a look at various
forums on the net you discover that “Skyshaper” gets mixed reactions so
Montelius: “But that doesn’t worry me much. That’s always the case when
we put out a new album. Maybe because we always try something new and
something that’s timeless. It’s been the same with “Norther Light” which
is now regarded as one of our best among fans.”

That some people already comment on “Skyshaper” means also that they
already got the album from some source. Obviously many people downloaded
it illegally.
Montelius: “Well, to be honest I don’t mind it when the promotional
version is available on the net. You know, the one which has the voice
saying “this is a promotional copy…” in all of the songs. Downloading
the full, original album is different. Apart from the fact that it does
harm us financially it feels wrong for me as an artist because I want
people to experience the full package including cover art work and
stuff. We have a brilliant booklet this time. By the way, I’m sure you
will be blown away!”

I’m curious. And if people at the shows singalong the line “this is a
promotional copy!” at the forthcoming you will know that those bastards
just downloaded the promo version instead of buying the real thing.
Montelius: [laughs] “Yeah! That would be funny! But there’s hope that
most people will buy the final product as it’s worth it in my opinion.
We spent 14 months recording “Skyshaper”, after all!!

14 months is quite some time! Does a Covenant album always take so long
to record, and did you have breaks inbetween or did you work on it
Montelius: “We were working seven days a week on it and Eskil was
literally living in the studio! We had a few shows inbetween but we were
working on “Skyshaper” all the time. It’s a lot of trial and error, you
know? There are some people who are able to put exactly into sound what
they’re hearing in their minds. We don’t, and the creative process takes
a lot of discussions anyway. We had 20 to 30 songs to start with and
some of them simply didn’t get used. It’s a long process. The song
‘Brave New World’ for example exists in 150 different versions!! It’s
hard to decide when a song is finished and sounds perfect. Somehow a
song is never finished - you just have to feel when it’s the right time
to let it free. To answer your other question, it took us six months to
finish ‘Sequencer’ and ‘Europa’, a whole year for ‘United States Of
Mind’ and also 14 months to record ‘Northern Light’. You see, it’s a
long process and a lot of hard work! I can only hope that people see and
appreciate that.”

I got the promotional copy as well to prepare for this interview. The
sleeve unfortunately doesn’t tell who wrote for lyrics for which song.
We all know that Eskil also contributes lyrically.
Montelius: “Yes, I’m the “chief lyrics writer” as the sleeve says but
Eskil wrote the lyrics to “The Men” and “Pulse”, which is incidentally a
true story!"

So you wrote the lyrics to “Happy Man”! You know that this is the song
on “Skyshaper” which I like least. I just can’t get into it at all, it
doesn’t work for me. That is, at least musically as I got the point of
the lyrics, and I appreciate them. But musically it doesn’t do much for
me, I’m afraid. And I think it destroys a little the flow of the album
as the third song on “Skyshaper”.
Montelius: “But that’s what “Happy Man” is supposed to do, breaking the
usual flow to push things forward. I think it’s a very very beautiful
song and I will bet a big bottle of Jägermeister that “Happy Man” will
be one of the most remembered Covenant songs in 10 years time!”

Okay, I accept the bet as I don’t think so! (And now that this has been
publiced this bet is official! )


Dienstag, 7. Februar 2006, 08:31

And here rest of Pt. 1 / Hier der Rest von teil 1

Although I felt disappointed at first I have to admit that “Skyshaper”
is a real grower. Especially the second half of the album contains some
brilliant moments like “Spindrift”, “Greather than the Sun” or the album
closer “The World Is Growing Loud”. It takes a while to discover the
beauty of it.
Montelius: “That’s what I said before, the album will grow. Especially
“The World Is Growing Loud” is a very special song. By the way, Eskil
recorded the basic rhythm patterns with a little toy drum kit for kids.
We had it re-recorded with a professional drummer but that sounded shit
and didn’t work at all. So we used the initial sounds of the toy kit and
Eskil worked four days on it to pump it up. You see, it’s again trial
and error and just about catching the right moment. And “The World Is
Growing Loud” has perhaps the saddest lyrics I ever wrote. Its working
title was “The Death Song” – not about the death of a specific person
but rather the death of Covenant! There was a time last year when I
thought our band will be no longer…”

A quite scaring thought! What did you make think that??
Montelius: “Well, many things. As you most probably know our label K2
was closed by EMI in the middle of the promotion for the “Bullet”
single. And there was acertain internal strugglle within the band. Not
the happiest times! So I’m quite happy to sit here and promote a new
Covenant album!”

Yes, I remember that I thought that with “Northern Light” and the
accompanying singles Covenant would take totally off and have the sort
of success your peers VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berzerk now enjoy with
their latest releases. The album was a succes but not exactly the
success I suspected.
Montelius: “Yeah! And we as a band thought the same. You know, for
“Northern Light” we had such a big promotional support and a bigger
budget than everyone else from this scene before! I think only bands
with big names like Depeche Mode get this kind of budget and promotional
support but not bands from our scene. Everything seemed to be up for the
big thing. We had a high budget video for “Bullet”, we had big names
remixing our singles, an impressive promotional campaign and all that.
And last but not least an album we were quite proud of! But it all
collapsed and the “Bullet” single did get nowhere. Many fans even had a
hard time to find the various formats of the single. Well, the thing was
simply that the management of EMI changed and they had strictly to save
their expenses. And they said ‘well, we have this little band from
Sweden called Covenant, and EMI has already spent 500,000 Euros on them
last year, so we’re gonna sack them and close the sublabel K2’. Which
was stupid because the 500,000 Euros have been spent anyway. So they
just prevented that the fruits of hard work and a lot of money spent
could be harvested. It was just damn stupid! But it wasn’t my money
after all.”

This must have been a quite frustrating situation for a band!
Montelius: “Yes, at first we felt totally frustrated and let down.
Imagine you are at a horse race and you get all the insider’s
information that this specific horse will definitely win the race. You
have big meetings and all that, and you are sure that this horse will
win as really everything hints at it. And the horse is doing great at
the race – but shot by the jockey on the brink of the target mark! It
was like that, and EMI was the jockey. EMI did not only shot the horse
but also 14 people who worked hard for K2 and our band. Of course we
felt totally disillusioned and frustrated. But only at first, though.
After a while I was happy that this big commercial breakthrough and the
big mainstream success didn’t happen.

Why that?
Montelius: “Well… I just finished reading the Depeche Mode biography,
and I think we might have went through something similar as Depeche Mode
after the huge success of ‘Violator’ and especially ‘Songs Of faith &
Devotion’. Of course not as extreme, and in terms of commercial success
Depeche are obviously a different category. But something similar. I’m
stunned anyway how similar Covenant and Depeche Mode are when it comes
to the internal structure of both bands and the persons involved. You
know, I see Clas (Nachmanson) a little bit like Flecth from Depeche
Mode. Both do not contribute that much musically – although Clas perhaps
contributes a little more than Fletch – but both are essential for their
respectve bands. Both Fletch and Clas are holding things together for
their bands; and without Clas there would be no Covenant anymore. You
see, Eskil and me are not people who care a lot about the financial side
of things. If I have money, I spent it. If I don’t I’m still happy.
Eskil is probably even worse [laughs]. Clas is the one who is taking
care of business things and he is also a trouble-shooter. We always have
had a lot of arguments about the creative aspects of Covenant. Clas is
the one who helps us to come to terms before we get lost on the way. I’m
happy that Clas is with us. And Eskil, he’s a bit like Martin Gore.
Eskil is very very creative, all the time, but also quite eccentric and
sometimes he doesn’t speak much. Just like Gore, if I can believe what
the Depeche bio says. So, the parallels between the two bands are
amazing when you take a look how they work internally. I really could
identify with Depeche Mode a lot while reading the book. Musically there
are huge differences but the personal relationships involved are
stunningly similar.

So you’re happy that the mega-success didn’t come with “Northern Light”
as you may have went a similar route like Depeche Mode in 1993/94?
Montelius: “Well, as I said not as extreme as them most probably. But we
could have ended in a situation where success would have destroyed us.
There were some signs of it, and reading the Depeche bio just confirmed
that. It was a funny situation after all. Do you know this cartoon where
a rocket is ready to take off to the moon? With all the steam and energy
released and then nothing happens except that the top of the rocket
falls off to the ground? It was a little like that. We had the potential
to go to the moon, that didn’t happen. And after all we are quite happy
that we are still on the ground, releasing a new album we’re happy with
on a new label and so on. Our band had a very problematic time after our
last album but now we feel pretty confident and comfortable. With all
those experiences we’ve made we are ready for the next adventures.

Part II coming soon!
In Part II Joakim Montelius will reveal what people can expect from
Covenant’s forthcoming headliner tour, what happened to the cancelled
single “Beat the Noise” and talks about the 20th anniversary of the
band, the meaning of the title “Skyshaper” and much more!


Dienstag, 7. Februar 2006, 16:39

danke schön !!!!
so hab ich wieder lust zum arbeiten bekommen :rolleyes:
Im Schoß der silberhellen Schneenacht
dort schlummert alles weit und breit,
und nur ein ewig wildes Weh wacht
in einer Seele Einsamkeit.
Du fragst, warum die Seele schwiege,
warum sie’s in die Nacht hinaus
nicht gießt? - Sie weiß, wenns ihr entstiege,
es löschte alle Sterne aus.



Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Samstag, 25. Februar 2006, 12:01

RE: Interview mit Joakim ist wieder online. Ihr könnt den ersten Interviewteil also mit Fotos jetzt origial nachlesen. der zweite Teil kommt dann am Montag, wenn ich wieder in Deutschland bin ;)

Ooops... Ich, war´s Dani, alias Black_Cat :rolleyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bugs« (25. Februar 2006, 12:01)

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