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Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2024, 04:09 UTC+2


Samstag, 13. März 2004, 11:13

New songs?!

Just thought I'd tell everyone that I read Covenant "most likely will premiere new material" ( ) at the shows in southern Sweden in may! Anyone else going there? I'm even more excited now, it would be so cool to finally get to hear The island (I missed my chance to buy it... yes, I know, I'm stupid...). I guess you people in Australia also have a good chance of getting to hear new songs, by the way...


Samstag, 13. März 2004, 11:50

RE: New songs?!

What fantastic news. I will hopefully be at the shows in Malmö and Helsingborg


Samstag, 13. März 2004, 12:20

RE: New songs?!

sounds great!!!
and i will hopefully be at the show in helsingborg!! :-]

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