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Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2006, 17:18

Washington - NYC - Chicago Shows

It may sound a bit odd now talking about the shows again and how great they were, so first of all I want to say sorry to hear about your friend. I really hope you find her soon and she is okay!

But as we are just back from the States and still very excited we thought we do a little posting here, describing how great it was over there.

We did a total trip of 12 days, in which we visited 3 COV shows (+1 Combichrist :tongue: ). We have been to Washington, D.C., NYC and Chicago. Washington was quite okay, a great location and a good crowd (Thanks to Joe for the ride!) but as we were still a bit jetlagged we could not party too much. But we´ve boosted ourselves from show to show and indeed, it was worth it!

NYC got better for us already, even though the venue was a bit... hm, scary? The bouncing floors were definitely not my cup of tea. Even the bands did not feel alright, in fact the show was about to get canceled! I was told by the tourmanager that at time when the soundcheck should start, there was not even a stage set! And on top there were huge problems with the power, so everything just worked out last minute and was not perfect at all. COV complained about the sound and all bands were also pissed about the fact that the backstage area was filled with dozens of people with so called "VIP tickets" which allowed them to get backstage. So there was no place for the bands to dress or take a shower... Still, the concert was nice, even though I did not like the people too much. Everybody was pushing and pressing in front so I expected a huge dancing crowd, but in fact when the show started nobody really moved! And when we started to jump, we even got affronted by others that obviously wanted to see the show standing in silent. Man, you should come over to see a show in the eastern part of Germany and you would know what partying means :lol:

But there was still one more show to come, and this was Chicago! Yeah! This was really f***ing amazing! In fact, I have probably seen about 50 COV shows in my life and this was definitely one of the best! The bands were great (all 3 of them) and COV were definitely at their best! What can I say about it? I am missing words. But one for sure, this was worth all the time, stress and money! Eskils voice was better than ever, Clas had so much fun dancing (though he was falling twice on the wet floor :sch: ) and Joakim gave his best (like always) screaming at the crowd with his warp microphone. All in all, we had such a good time. And it even got better when Eskil started to sing the 2nd verse of "Like tears in rain" in German! After that he asked the crowd what they prefer, and they all voted for German, so he continued with "Der Leiermann" and took this as an opportunity to say "Hi" to the German fans (us :tongue: ). he even came to the rand of the stage and shaked our hands :sch: The whole thing was finished by neverending 3 encores! After that, everybody was totally exhausted. As seen in one of the postings above, even the band described this gig as one of their best ever seen.

So, to keep a long story short, we would like to thank ROTERSAND and COVENANT for one of the best shows of our life and being part of their US tour! Guys, you are great! We see you soon.

Take care!

Anja & Katja
I opened my eyes today...
the world looks so bright and strange....


Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2006, 19:54

I think one posting is enough ;)

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