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Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024, 07:04 UTC+2


Mittwoch, 1. November 2006, 01:45

Back from the USA

So, back home and relaxing for a few days. We'd like to thank everybody for coming to the shows! There were some awesome ones...

We also would like to thank Rotersand and Imperative Reaction for being great bands and excellent people to spend 4 weeks in a moving tin-can with. And of course: monumental kudos to our wonderful crew who had a very hard time indeed. Thanks Alex, Aliki, Jokke, Jörgen and Stefan!!

In spite of all the disasters (like the bus breaking down in the middle of Nowhere, Nebraska for example) we had a real good time.

On a much darker note I also want to say that Mika is constantly on our minds. It's such a terrible, horrible nightmare. I wish there was something we could do. If I was religious I would pray for her, but since I'm not I have to resort to trying to send healing thoughts. We are all with you, Mika.



Freitag, 17. November 2006, 19:51

RE: Back from the USA

Thanks for an amazing performance! I really enjoyed the Portland show.

Excuse my ignorance, but who is Mika and what happened? Is there a post about it?


Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2006, 06:47

When Will You Return ...


Please accept my sincere gratitude for making the long travel here to our country and know that you will be deeply missed until your return.

I was fortunate enough to attend both the Brooklyn and Hollywood shows, and both were incredible nights. I'm curious though as to what brought about the change in sets? NYC was mostly Skyshaper and Northern Light. Yet LA included songs from the entire catalog. Why the change? And what can we expect from future tours?

Take care and again, thank you so very much.


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Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2006, 15:10

RE: When Will You Return ...


Original von bluetaurus22
I'm curious though as to what brought about the change in sets? NYC was mostly Skyshaper and Northern Light. Yet LA included songs from the entire catalog. Why the change? And what can we expect from future tours?

Covenant always play around with their setlists and make changes frequently. Something I really love abot Covenant live. :)

No idea why the NYC and LA setlists differed so much but after all there may be no special reason at all.


Montag, 11. Dezember 2006, 04:50

RE: When Will You Return ...


Originally posted by Niggels

Covenant always play around with their setlists and make changes frequently. Something I really love abot Covenant live. :)

No idea why the NYC and LA setlists differed so much but after all there may be no special reason at all.[/quote]

Yes, the sets were *juuuuust* a bit different between San Diego, Houston, and Poland, which was nice. It was interesting to see/hear them in Europe, on their home territory. There wasn't that much difference between seeing them there and seeing them in the States. Or if there was, it was negligible. Wherever they are, they are still *a-mazing* live.

As far as the reason as to why the sets change around, it could be for the simple reason that playing the same thing night after night for months on end would get insanely boring!!

Bring on the vodka and remixes!!

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