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Freitag, 27. September 2024, 07:24 UTC+2

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Dienstag, 19. Februar 2008, 02:37


Originally posted by d_h
seen this yesterday 8o

Yeah, but it's a staged hoax.

(still Fish Tycoon- breed, damn you all, breeeeeeeeed! god I thought I'd never hear myself say that...)


Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 00:23


Original von Ivory
Though console games are so damn cheap in the US and Japan, compared to Europe, unfortunenately it's not possible to order at
And paying 40€ for a little tiny DS game somehow really bothers me... So I rather stick to PC games, they don't make my feel unfairly treated ;-)

I second that, DS games are a bit too expensive in Germany compared to the States. During the last weeks I played a lot "Impossible Mission" on DS. Yeah, it's the classic C-64 game, with a classic mode that's a 1:1 conversion and a new styled mode.

In USA it's sold for 10$, maybe you can order it at Game Stop.
In Germany it costs nearly 30 EUR :(

I can recommend the game to anyone who liked it on C-64. It's so great to hear the original synthesized speech again: Destroy him, my robots ! :lol:
And it's perfect for waiting times or commuting. I never solved the game on C-64, but now on DS I made it (though it's not easier in handling. In fact, to have to take the stylus for using items is really a drag. Why didn't they program it, that you can use buttons alternatively?).
But the new styled mode sucks. The grafix are confusing, it's hard to distinguish what is background and what is an item you can use.
Also the new voice is ridiculous.
I still like the concept, but I guess it can freak out some people. You have to jump very precisely sometimes, and it's not only a platform game, but you also need abiltiies in 3-D-thinking to solve the puzzle pieces.

Oh, I think one feature or bug (who knows?) of the original has not been converted:
I remember in the C-64 game sometimes there were rooms where robots zapped the wall and set the whole room on electrical shock. There was no way to survive or solve those rooms.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »subetha« (25. Februar 2008, 00:29)


Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 02:13


Originally posted by subetha
I second that, DS games are a bit too expensive in Germany compared to the States. During the last weeks I played a lot "Impossible Mission" on DS. Yeah, it's the classic C-64 game, with a classic mode that's a 1:1 conversion and a new styled mode.

In USA it's sold for 10$, maybe you can order it at Game Stop.
In Germany it costs nearly 30 EUR :(

Good lord.

getting sick of typing in the quote stuff so I'll do it this way-
I can recommend the game to anyone who liked it on C-64. It's so great to hear the original synthesized speech again: Destroy him, my robots ! :lol:

I want that as a ring tone on my phone. Right now the general tone is Kraftwerk's Telephone Call but "Destroy him, my robots!" would be soooo much better.

And it's perfect for waiting times or commuting. I never solved the game on C-64, but now on DS I made it (though it's not easier in handling. In fact, to have to take the stylus for using items is really a drag. Why didn't they program it, that you can use buttons alternatively?).

They didn't? That's strange.

But the new styled mode sucks. The grafix are confusing, it's hard to distinguish what is background and what is an item you can use.
Also the new voice is ridiculous.
I still like the concept, but I guess it can freak out some people. You have to jump very precisely sometimes, and it's not only a platform game, but you also need abiltiies in 3-D-thinking to solve the puzzle pieces.

Yeah, but don't you have the option of playing a port of the C64 version in addition to the remade version?

Oh, I think one feature or bug (who knows?) of the original has not been converted:
I remember in the C-64 game sometimes there were rooms where robots zapped the wall and set the whole room on electrical shock. There was no way to survive or solve those rooms.

I bet they probably left that out as being too difficult. Considering all the grief Trauma Center got for being too hard- and it was! I didn't even finish it and I really wanted to. It's a surgery sim and makes great use of the stylus. The sequel is much easier, I'm told. But again, did they keep it in the original C64 version on the DS?


Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 23:19


Original von ilex011
I want that as a ring tone on my phone. Right now the general tone is Kraftwerk's Telephone Call but "Destroy him, my robots!" would be soooo much better.

that doesn't sound like phone calls are welcome at all? ;)
but maybe you would like to assign that ring tone only to some selected persons of your address book...


Yeah, but don't you have the option of playing a port of the C64 version in addition to the remade version?

oh, I didn't describe it clearly enough: the game offers three different modes:
the classic C-64 mode
the new style mode (not only grafix, but also with new configuration of the rooms)
the mixed mode (room configuration of the original C-64 game, but with new grafix)


Freitag, 29. Februar 2008, 07:19


Originally posted by subetha


Original von ilex011
I want that as a ring tone on my phone. Right now the general tone is Kraftwerk's Telephone Call but "Destroy him, my robots!" would be soooo much better.


that doesn't sound like phone calls are welcome at all? ;)

Oh, calls are welcome, more or less.


but maybe you would like to assign that ring tone only to some selected persons of your address book...

Ha! Exactly! :D


Sonntag, 16. März 2008, 11:15

DS games for sale/trade

Hm, do I post this here, or in Marketplace? I perused Marketplace and it's music/Covenant related only so I will try here. Mods, do that thing that you do if this isn't the right place for this. ;)

I have two Nintendo DS games I would like to sell or trade. I know games are mad expensive in Europe, and DS games are region-free, so I thought I'd try here first before heading to my regular gaming forum in case anyone here is interested.

Both are in like new condition and come with manuals and original box. All, including the carts, are in excellent condition. Am selling The Urbz: Sims in the City (lost my original copy, bought a new one, then found the old one while moving!).

Also selling Spyro: Shadow Legacy. While I like the first few games of the Spyro franchise on the PS, I didn't like this version for the DS as it has an RPG style that gets on my nerves.

Not that I don't like RPGs, of course I do- but- just not with my cute Spyro.

Will sell in the US for $10 per game including shipping, or will trade games from PS1, PS2, N64, PC, or GC platforms. Make me an offer of something you're ready to get rid of yourself. I got Animal Crossing for the GC *and* the Director's Cut of the 1st Resident Evil by trading a woman for my stupid-ass Nintendogs Best Friends edition because she was trying to complete her collection.

Damn Corgi.

Damn Mr. Bigsley.

ANYWAAAAAAY! Moving right along, for you all across the pond, I'd charge a flat rate of 8 Euro for each game, including shipping. That's approximately $12.50 USD. Or trade me a DS game or two that you don't like and I might. Damn region codes.

Forget Trauma Center. That one had me ranting. SO hard. Phoenix Wright would be nice. So would Cooking Mama 2. Or Cake Mania. But you know, I'm flexible.

I'm not really interested in making money off selling these games, I just would like to pass them on to someone who might enjoy them. Gamer solidarity. ;)

I have NO idea how much it would be to ship to the north or south continentally of me, but if you are interested, pm me and I'll check to see what would be cheap and reasonable to us all.

In any case, if anyone out there is interested, PM me. Preferably someone that is at least semi-regular on the forum 'cos I obviously would prefer to deal with people whom I have some idea as to who they are. I've got a good ebay rating so ask if you want proof of that.

and oh- currently playing, as in this very moment, Animal Crossing for the GC. :D

they tried to make me give up Electroplankton and I said "no no NO!"

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (16. März 2008, 11:20)


Samstag, 22. März 2008, 13:59

Currently playing Aldebaran, a German-hosted MUD that's in English. (see link in signature)


Samstag, 22. März 2008, 21:48

I'm playing the "Manhunt 2" for PS2 8)


Sonntag, 23. März 2008, 03:42

Still more Animal Crossing. There's some weird stuff in this game and this game is supposedly for kids. Er, for the "kid in all of us", perhaps.

First there was a character who moved into my town that I couldn't quite put my finger on. His name was Ed, he was a horse, his speech bubble was blue (indicating male), others referred to him as a "he", yet he wore blue eyeshadow, fake eyelashes, red lipstick, and a pink dress. Ed, the Crossdressing Horse.

I mailed him tons of letters with the best gifts I could find, PLEADING with him to NEVER move from my town but alas, he was gone after two days. Weird. He reminded me of some people I know... I keep hoping he'll come back. Right now my town is populated mainly by birds and it's getting on my nerves.

So there's a secret island on Animal Crossing for the GC. You connect your GC to your GBA/GBA SP and an island you can boat over to appears. On this island was Rowan the flamboyantly gay tiger. How do I know he's gay? Oh, he's gay. Believe me, he's gay alright. Kids wouldn't catch onto it but many adults would- he makes all these references to the good old days of when he was in theatre, like a lamenting, tired old queen... quite funny.

Then, in a somber moment, he told me this:

"I wonder... has anyone ever enlightened you on this subject? Well, listen. I've been around the block a few times. Here's how the world works. Pain breeds suffering. Suffering breeds compassion and understanding. You can only be as kind as you are scarred. You can quote me on that."


Strange, strange game, this Animal Crossing. Kind of like Zen meets Sartre, that!

I wonder if I should get this game for my best friend's kid. My best friend sings her little girl Tom Waits style lullabyes from time to time... "This little piggy went to the liquor store... this little piggy went to the strip club... this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home 'cos his woman threw his shoes out the window and he landed in jail where he met up with two weird dudes and one of them couldn't speak English, only Italian..."

Ok, so perhaps I exaggerate. But just a little. My best friend has a rather progressive, modern household. :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (23. März 2008, 03:47)


Mittwoch, 9. April 2008, 20:26

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War. I don't like RTS type games, but the system presented here and in other game from THQ, Company Of Brothers, suits me. I just wonder why the producer wants me to pay for the bug patches.
Never go never let me go...

Visit My Space


Mittwoch, 9. April 2008, 21:49

Now I am playing the Final Fantasy 12, for PS2... And I believe that I will continue playing it for a loooong time... it is quite long so it seems.
The truth is I think it's an excellent game, in fact, one of the best graphics that have the entire PS2...


Samstag, 3. Mai 2008, 17:52

not playing any game these days, but the GTA 4 commercial trailer on german TV caught my attention.
I really like the music, sounds so, hm, familiar :)
(before you ask: it's LCD Soundsystem - Get Innocuous!)


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 11:28

about to go back to half-life 2.


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 13:11

Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance PC.
I love it. I loved the first part, I love the second, I love the way the story unravels, I love the plot. I belive MGS is the best game in the world (apart from being a game to start a genre).
Never go never let me go...

Visit My Space


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 14:41

Pharmacy shift roulette!


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 03:17


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
Pharmacy shift roulette!


any spare z-packs lying around? though I think I'm getting better though I don't really remember the past few days...


Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008, 19:04

Eternal Darkness for the GC. Survival Horror. Time traveling survival horror- dark ages, ancient Cambodia, Ancient Persia, etc...

Almost at the end of Karim's story.

My rating so far: 9/10.

Scare factor: 10/10
Music, ambient noises: 10/10
Difficulty: too damn hard!: 8/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Originality: 10/10
Plot pt I: must we use our brains to solve stuff?: YES! 10/10
pt II: does this ultimately all make sense?: YES! 10/10
Dialogue: 7/10
Characterization: 9/10
Blood/gore: Pretty goddamn bloody. 10/10
Bad Guys/Bosses: 10/10
No dorky Deus ex Machinas: Nope. Lots of strategy involved. 10/10
Replayable?: Yes, yes, yes. 9/10

I am not including graphics as a separate qualification, as good graphics has no bearing on a good story. Graphics is mad overrated, I think.


Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008, 21:50

I love you!! F*** graphics. The story is the most important!!
Never go never let me go...

Visit My Space


Montag, 19. Mai 2008, 02:30


Originally posted by gaseki
I love you!! F*** graphics. The story is the most important!!


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